Part 6

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11:30 am

We had all sat back down at our tables and were bored out of our minds, Bender had tied his red bandana around his head which made him look like a pirate. He started whistling a marching tune and soon all of us had joined in. Vernon suddenly entered and Bender whistled Beethoven's 5th which made me giggle quietly.

"Alright girls, that's thirty minutes for lunch,"

"Here?" Andrew asked

"Here," Vernon nodded.

"Well I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir!" Andrew suggested.

"Well, I don't care what you think, Andrew," Vernon retorted.

"Uh Dick? Excuse me, Rich will milk be made available to us?" Bender asked.

"We're extremely thirsty,"Andrew agreed

"I have a very low tolerance for dehydration," Claire said.

"I've seen her dehydrated, it's pretty gross," I said.

"Relax, I'll get it and Alexa will come with me," Bender said standing up.

"Ah ah ah ah ah, grab some wood there, bud," Vernon said pointing to Bender's chair which made both Bender and I grin.

"What do you think, I was born yesterday? You think I'm gonna have you roaming these halls?"

"You!" Vernon pointed to Andrew

"And you! Hey! What's her name? Wake her! Wake her up!" He yelled to Allison who currently had her head on the table.

"Come on, on your feet missy! Let's go! This is no rest home!" Allison huffed, slung her bag over her shoulder and stormed out

"There's a soft drink machine in the teacher's lounge. Let's go," Vernon instructed and led them out of the room.

Bender, Claire, Brian and I were sitting around waiting for the drinks to arrive. Claire and I were sitting beside a statue while Brian and Bender were sitting on the railings looking through a book.

"Claire, Alexa you wanna see a picture of a guy with elephantitis of the nuts? It's pretty tasty,"

"No thank you," Claire looked away disgusted and I just laughed.

"How do you think he rides a bike?" Bender asked

"Oh, Claire...would you ever consider dating a guy like this?"

"Can't you just leave me alone?" Claire asked, rolling her eyes.

" I mean if he had a great personality and was a good dancer and had a cool car...Although you'd probably have to ride in the backseat 'cause his nuts would ride shotgun," I snorted as Bender said this.

"You know what I wish I was doing?" Claire asked sighing

"Op, watch what you say, Brian here is a cherry," Bender sniggered.

"A cherry?" Brian asked

"I wish I was on a plane to France," I turned to Claire

"Why France?" I asked

"The fashion, the art, the people," She replied

"Plus French boys are gorgeous," I giggled which made Claire look at me in surprise but she laughed with me.

"Oh, you and Claire or Alexa did it?" We heard Bender exclaim.

"What are you talking about?" Claire asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Brian shook his head vigorously

"Let's just drop it, we'll talk about it later," He then said to Bender

"No! Drop what, what're you talking about?" I asked

"Well, Brian's trying to tell me that in addition to the number of girls in the Niagara Falls area, that presently you and he are, riding the hobby horse!" Bender grinned.

"Little pig!" Claire and I yelled.

"No I'm not! I'm not! John said I was a cherry and I said I wasn't, that's it, that's all that was said!" Brian defended.

"Well then what were motioning to Claire and Alexa for?" Bender asked

"You know I don't appreciate this very much, Brian," Claire scoffed.

"He is lying!" Brian exclaimed.

"Oh, so you weren't motioning to Claire or Alexa?" Bender asked, giving me an uncertain look.

""You know he's lying right?" Brian asked

"Were you or were you not motioning to them?" Bender asked

"Yeah, but it was only...was only because I didn't want them to know that I was a virgin, okay?" Brian looked down sadly.

"Excuse me for being a virgin," Claire and I shared a small laugh

"Why didn't you want me to know you were a virgin?" Claire asked

" Because it's personal business, it's my personal, private business," Brian replied

" Well Brian, it doesn't sound like you're doing any business," Bender laughed

"I think it's okay for a guy to be a virgin," I said, Bender and Brian looked at me in surprise

"You do?" Brian asked, I look to Claire and we share a smile before nodding at him. I could feel Bender's eyes on me so I turned to face him to see a look of confusion, surprise and something else that I couldn't quite place. 

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