Chapter 1: I'm A Rockstar

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"Without wasting anymore time, let's welcome our most anticipated star of this year, Jeon Jungkook to the stage." The host lacing his voice with such enthusiasm despite the reality of cringiness (lol! Is that a word) is creeping his soul.

Slowly yet graciously stepping out from the wide-open door at the back of the stage, buttoning up his black jacket button, adjusting his perfectly tended such intimate red choker beautifully contrast with his flawless skin. Sharp jawline is a bonus to it.

Once his eyes caught a glimpse of flashing camera lights, "I'm finally here" thought ran through his genius head for being the most wanted man even before his official debut that had him become the most anticipated star, more specifically a ROCKSTAR. How did this man become such sensation buzz? This stage for press conference is just his debut introduction to the public and media, supposedly where a normal case of debut is not really that hype to cause this phenomenon he has created.

Well, the story behind his popularity is simply being caught singing in his classroom while sitting by the window during break time. We need to be thankful for his friends that are kind enough to secretly upload the recorded video of his singing to YouTube and just in few days, a handful of recruiters waiting in front of the school's gate. Though it has become viral, the star of the video is clueless about it for obvious reason that he doesn't care about current media that keeps on bombarding the world with overpopulated idols' news.

Yes, Jungkook hate idols. The reason is simply he couldn't fully grasp the lack of talent most idol have and one of it is singing ability. The way he see thing like most idols are in grouping so that they can cover all those flaws. Call him jealous or simply close minded but he didn't give a fuck about it. He himself doesn't want to be one of the idols simply because he hates that label on him though he had received plenty of recommendations and invitations to joined many big entertainment companies which screams wealth in the future but he rejected them all for a sole reason that they wanted him to be an idol as in idol group. That is until, a man approached and offer him something different than the rest...

"Do you want to be a ROCKSTAR?"

Finally, he found himself standing in front of the flashing cameras with frantic reporters having a war among themselves to get a better shot of himself, he couldn't be more content.



"Hyung! Hyung! Come here fast!!" I screamed calling out the others as soon as I drop down on the couch and turned on my mega huge TV plastered on the wall of our house at the most wanted time.

Hello there, I'm Park Jimin. Your beloved idol. My life motto is to be sexy, cute and lovely for you, ARMYs....

"What the fuck! You call us here to watch your own advertisement?" Yoongi hyung said as he halfway down the stairs when he caught a peek on the TV only to see my advertisement being played.

"Not this hyung! Just wait after this ad!" I said with such excitement, so much that it may have caused me to giggle by myself and Yoongi hyung just raise one of his brows wondering what's with all the fuss I'm excited for.

"What is it, Jiminie?" Tae just came out from the kitchen along with Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung as they are enjoying their late breakfast. Tae bring his plate of pancakes and sit beside me on the couch and continue eating it.

"Just come here hyung! Another 2 minutes!" Again, I giggle like a boy who are on the way to the Disneyland. They didn't say anything and just follow my instruction as they all gather in the living room, sitting around me quickly sticking their eyes to the screen.

A broadcast of a press conference has finally started, the host were mumbling something, and I couldn't keep my feet to the ground as I lifted both up to my chest, hiding my blushing cheeks in between my knees.

"So, this is what you excited about? Who's press conference is this?" Namjoon hyung ask me and I just simply hushed him by placing my index finger to my lips while eyeing him to continue watching.

"Without wasting anymore time, let's welcome our most anticipated star of this year, Jeon Jungkook to the stage."

"YEAH!!" I screamed like a fangirl with both my hands up in the air, literally shook everyone. Well, they just shocked by my heavenly high pitch scream and not the name the press conference's host has announced a moment ago.


The world has already known that Jimin is an openly gay idol but only the members of BTS know Jimin's love for Jeon Jungkook, not even both main characters aware of this. Jimin just being Jimin thought that his love is simply a fan-like love, but the rest of the members can see deep in his eyes that it was so much more than that.

Jimin first discovered Jungkook through the viral video he found while having a break from rehearsing for the dance routines. Ever since that day, Jimin continuously nudging the members about how awesome and perfect Jungkook is. Not to mention, how many times he played that same video, too much for others' liking, too much for Yoongi's precious sleeping time for the fact in the middle of the night, Jimin will sing along with the video out loud in his room, ignoring the others' but they couldn't bring themselves to scold the younger since no one had seen that kind of smile from him after they're getting famous as time flew and all hectic schedules they had to follow. 

So, they let Jimin have his way just to let their baby Mochi happy. If Jeon Jungkook is his source of happiness, so be it, but the later announcement being play in the press conference has taken their breath away...

"Why do you decide to become a ROCKSTAR but not an idol?" a reporter asked.

"It's simple. It's because I HATE IDOLS."

Just like that, a shattering sound of a heartbreak ringing deep inside the little one as his surrounding shut down like an empty space. Without realizing, he had tears on his face.


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