Chapter 7: Nah...

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The first impression for the first collaboration meeting between Jungkook and Jimin was bad, well add in an unexpected element of surprise consist of the LEMON incident. That's new for both sides. For Jungkook, he never thought of even become a bully to someone. He always a cool character that doesn't have any care of the world. While Jimin always the typical lovable boy that people want to squeeze his fluffy cheeks instead of becoming a bully victim.

Well, except that their bully situations are rather cute than cruel.

Will their sour circumstances develop to something sweet like Park Jimin himself? Or become spicy like Jeon Jungkook himself? Or bitter like me myself the author? Lolzz.

We'll see. What do you guys want? Sorry but I don't think I can follow your desire cuz this story is my shitty writing so yeah... peace

Back to the story



The first day of meeting was supposed to be a brainstorming ideas agenda. Squeezing every ounce of their brain cells connect and reconnect the nerves systems to get some valuable ideas to be jotted down on the pieces of papers on the table but no...


Literally none...

Instead just a few minutes after gulping down the LEMONSS, the studio room was filled with an awkward silence from both sides. Then suddenly both sides let out a deep sigh at the same time adding more to their awkward moment since they both becomes even more flustered. So, to end their miserable life sucking embarrassment, Jimin's breathing halt as he quickly hugs his stomach holding on to the pain. Stomachache... all thanks to LEMON-ssi.

Jimin's eyes started brimming with tears as they become glassy within seconds admitting the pain in his stomach.

"Ack!" Jimin let out faint sound of discomfort with his head down eyeing his clothed stomach where his hands wrapped around it harder by time to suppress the pain.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook asked worriedly faking the care laced in his voice.

"I'M FUCKING FINE! THANK YOU!!" Jimin blasts his word with obvious anger eyes red and glassy making Jungkook to gulp heavily shocked with Jimin's expression. Only then, he really felt a pang of guilt for his little devil Jimin.

"Come, I'll take you to the clinic." Jungkook reach out his hand to grab Jimin's arm but was slapped from Jimin himself as he clearly didn't need help from the very person who caused it.

"No need." Jimin mutters softly as he slowly fishes out his phone from his jean pocket to call help from one of his hyungs. As soon as he unlocks the screen of his phone, it was immediately retracted from his trembling hand. Jungkook snatched it away.

"I said I'll take you to the clinic!" Jungkook said holding the phone high from Jimin's reach.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP!!" Jimin once again yell out his frustration but it was quickly ignored by Jungkook. Jungkook stood up from the couch and place Jimin's phone he took into his jean pocket making Jimin to furrow his brows wondering on what Jungkook is up to, but little did Jimin know what's going to happen.

Jungkook carry Jimin bridal style and left the studio room.

Jimin who have a shocked expression with his cheeks about to burst from embarrassment being carry effortlessly by his stunning bully Jungkook. Jimin's eyes glued to Jungkook's face and finally having a moment to admire every facial feature of Jungkook.

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