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We have arrived at the venue and it's around an hour until billie starts. Finneas is currently opening the show and he sounds great.

I grab my camera and head out to the barrier in front of the fans. I snap some pictures of finneas, making sure to get the correct lighting and camera settings. He sees me and smiles, posing for the camera. I laugh and head back stage.

Me and Billie haven't really spoken all day to be honest. She had been preparing for the show and doing meet and greets and sound checks all day so i haven't seen her. She's backstage right now and i don't want to disturb her so i'm just going to sit and watch Finneas.

A dark haired girl comes and stands next to me, she has a pass round her neck and is cheering on Billies brother.

"Hey i'm Claudia" she says to me smiling. "I'm finneas's girlfriend".

"Oh it's nice to meet you, i'm Lexi, Billies photographer" i say. It feels surreal to tell people that i work with Billie. She is my boss.


Billie runs on stage excitingly as the crowd screams. I take a few photos as she stands in silence looking at the crowd. Out of nowhere the Bad guy beat begins playing and she begins jumping.

I take a few more photos and watch her as she sings the rest of Bad Guy.

"Hi babies" she says as the song ends. The crowd all screams and she smiles widely. "So i have a little surprise for you all, MY FUCKING ALBUM IS COMING OUT TOMORROW" She shouts.

I can see my sister up in the family area jumping up and down screaming whilst my brother watches her rolling his eyes. People on the front row have tears streaming down there faces because Billie touched there hands. She really is loved.

She carries on with her set and i think i now have enough images, so i can stand and watch her.

They begin playing ocean eyes as the last song and Billie walks to the back of the stage to Finneas. She spots me back stage and smiles cutely.

The show has now ended and Billie and Finneas fun off the stage. Finneas hugs Claudia and Billie runs straight past us all. I follow her, wondering where she is going, i watch as she enters the green room. I open the door and Billie is stood panting, trying to cook herself down.

"No your not allowed in here yet" Billies manager says to me, coming in the room. I look at him and widen my eyes. "Oh shit i'm so sorry" I say nervously. I go to leave room but Billie stops me.

"It's cool, you can stay" She says, out of breath. Her manager frowns and leaves the room, leaving only me and Billie. I watch as she uses her inhaler and wipes her sweaty forehead with a towel.

"Bro can you pass me my clothes off of there" Billie asks, pointing to the chair beside me. I nod and grab them, walking to the other side of the room to give them her. Her piercing blue eyes stare right into mine as i hand her the clothes. She thanks me, and stares for a bit before going to her bathroom to change.

It's so weird because whenever i am with Billie i feel so nervous. and i know i don't know her but, i've never felt so on edge being with someone before. I don't know what it is or why it's just weird.

She comes back in the room and sits in the corner writing something in her note book. I look around the room, biting my lip. The room is dull and lifeless. How do artists spend tour in these all the time.

I decide to look through the photos from before and i think there pretty good. Considering it's my first attempt at this, i'm pretty happy with myself. I just need to edit them when we get on the bus and send them to Billie and her team.

Billie gets up from her little corner, taking a small glance at me as she walks in the door.
"You guys can come in now" She says, letting people in the room. Her family come in and give her hugs, telling her how proud they are. Shortly after my family enter, guided by security guards.

My brother walks over to me and tries to jump on my back, causing me to nearly fall on my ass. I turn around and punch him in the arm, making him laugh. My parents and sister are currently speaking to Billie. My sisters obviously crying. again.

"Ok it's time to go guys" Billies security says to my family. My mom runs up to me, tears in her eyes. "Ill miss you honey, enjoy yourself" She says, hugging me tightly. I can see Billie over my moms shoulder smiling at me. I give my dad and siblings a hug before they are escorted out of the building.

It's going to be hard being away this long from them. But it has to be done.

"You good?" Finneas asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. I smile and nod at him, not really wanting to speak.

"Ok guys, next stop europe" Maggie tells us all and heads out to the bus.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now