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40th chapter so im gonna make it extra long. I dont know how many chapters to do in this story so im kinda just going for it

There's 3 days left of the Hawaii vacation and let me just tell you, i'm having so much fun. After this i'm flying to Miami for a bit to see my family before the European tour. I haven't been home in ages so I owe it too them.

Today I think we are going to some lake or something and maybe getting canoes? I don't really know. Regardless its going to be good. I've noticed a big change in Billie while we are here, she seems so happy and actually enjoying herself. I'm really glad. She deserves every inch of happiness this girl can get.

"Yo dude you ready to go" Claudia questions, knocking before entering my room. I smile at her widely and nod before skipping out my room. I'm in a really good mood today as you can tell. I slept well, breakfast filled me up and i'm happy.

Ok outfit check. It's not as warm today so I went for some blue ripped jeans, a white strap crop top and my air force. Which I paired with my blohsh necklace.

Obviously i'm going to also bring my bikini to go in the lake thing

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Obviously i'm going to also bring my bikini to go in the lake thing.

We all pile into the car one by one and Patrick drives us to the lake. "Let's go man!" Billie says excitedly. She is also in a very good mood. After a 20 minute drive or something like that we are here. We park round the corner in a car park and walk down a path through the trees to the lake.

Maggie sets up a load of chairs and brings the drink cooler so we can have snacks and drinks while we are here.

"Can someone help me I need to hide behind a tree to put my bikini top on and don't want to be seen" I say.

"I'll come" Billie says, standing there in her green swimming costume. I've never actually seen her wear anything like this and she looks amazing. I stand behind a tree and billie stands next to it blocking the view of me. I start to take my shirt off realising that Billie is facing my way watching.

"dude your not meant to look" I say turning around and taking it off completely.

"Im sorry I cant help it" she says, making me blush, luckily my back is turned.

I put on my black Calvin Klein bikini and try to fasten it at the back which I fail completely at. Billie takes it out of my hands stepping close to me, her front pressed against my behind. She fastens it and cleans over my shoulder quickly kissing my cheek before running off. I smile at myself and then take a deep breath walking back to the group. I take my jeans off already having my bikini bottoms on.

"Jump in lex" Claudia says. I run up to the side of the water and jump in, going completely underneath. Its actually really deep.

"Its so warm" I say when I come back above the water. Claudia does a run up and jumps in too.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now