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(smut warning)

Fast forward 2 weeks

It's the end of tour and the last night in London. I have had the best time ever, sure it was tiring and all that but i loved it. Everyone was so nice and welcoming and loving it was amazing.

Me and Billie haven't talked much since we kissed that day. It's been kind of awkward. I'd find her randomly staring at me sometimes and i never know why. Or why she kissed me in the first place.


We're currently backstage at the show and billie is going on in around 10 minutes. Finneas pulls his sister, parents and claudia into a group hug. I smile and quickly snap a picture standing awkwardly.

Finneas notices me and puts his arm out for me. "Get in here, this includes you as well, your part of our team now" he says smiling. I stand between him and billie who both put there arms round me. However, Billie puts hers under my hoodie on my bare skin.

"This tour has literally gone better than i could ever imagine so thank you" Billie says to everyone.

"Billie your up" the manager says, ending the group hug. Finneas runs on stage and i go to walk away but a hand pulls me back.

I'm quickly span around and Billie presses her lips to mine softly. "I wanted to say this before tour ended but i've been too much of a pussy, i like you a lot Lexi" she says pulling away from the kiss. Before i get chance to even think she runs on stage and starts bouncing to bad guy.

Claudia stands in front of me and hugs me tight. "That was so cute" she replies. I shake my head smiling lightly. Billie is such a little cutie.

I begin taking photos, making sure i get extra tonight as it's the last show. I go down in front of the barrier below stage and begin getting some of the crowd who all smile widely.

Billie sits on the edge of the stage her legs dangling down next to me. I look up and she gives me a cute smile before biting her lip whilst staring at me as she sings bitches broken hearts. I take a few photos of her and Finneas trying to ignore the fact that she's trying to seduce me right now. She puts her hand on my shoulder and rubs it before standing up again and dancing around the stage, definitely causing a few reactions from fans.

This girl.

I do really like Billie, she's such a dork but can also be so cute and caring at the same time. I came onto this tour not really caring but now i can't stop thinking about her every day. Our random movie sessions at 2am while finneas is complaining at us. The way she looks at me like she wants to protect me all the time. She is very special. It's just scary, because me and billie could never be a thing and she knows that.

Slowly i walk back stage going through the photos making sure i have some of Claudia and Maggie and everyone for the memories. I enter the green room and upload the photos to my laptop. I look in the mirror and adjust my white blohsh hoodie billie gave me, smiling to myself.

I do my usual routine and edit all the photos making sure that these are extra special.

I do my usual routine and edit all the photos making sure that these are extra special

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Some of them look so cute, plus i love her outfit.

"Come watch the rest of the show it's the last time" Claudia says putting her hand out for me.  I smile and close my laptop before taking Claudia's hand.

Billie starts performing her last song bury a friend. Claudia and I begin dancing along back stage. Finneas sees us and waves for us to come on. Claudia grabs mine and Maggie's hands and pulls us all on stage. I awkwardly find myself at the back with Finneas whilst Billie dances with her mom.

Billie comes to us and stands behind me putting her arms around my neck and forcing me to come at the front of the stage, i drag Claudia with me.

"When we all fall asleep where do we go!" Billie shouts into the mic as she song ends. Finneas comes forward and we all stand in a like bowing to the crowd.

"Thank you so much London you have been the best, I love you see you soon" Billie says and we all exit the stage.

"That was amazing billie" Maggie says hugging her daughter tightly. She gulps down a bottle of water and catches her breath a bit. I take my hoodie off getting overheated, revealing a strapless black crop top underneath.

Billie looks me up and down and bites her lip.

"Anyway I need a shower" Billie says excusing herself. She begins to walk away but grabs my hand and quickly pulls me with her. Her family definitely know what's happening.

She pulls me into the green room and locks the door before pushing me into it and hungrily pushing her lips on mine. We move our lips in sync heatedly. This feels good. Billie pushes her tongue to my lips waiting for me to accept. I part my mouth slightly, letting her push her tongue in my mouth. I don't know if i'm ever gonna be able to stop.

Billie picks me up holding me by my thighs not breaking the kiss once. She puts me down on the table pushing everything off it and stands between my legs. She trails wet kisses down my jaw to my neck and starts sucking on my sweet-spot, knowing she will make a mark.

"Fuck billie" i whisper breathlessly, as she goes on to suck the other side of my neck. I put my hands on her head and pull her up so i can attach myself to her lips again. Billies hand goes up my shirt and squeezes onto my right breast, causing a slight moan to leave my lips. I think we both want each other so much.

Knock knock knock

Billie pulls away from me looking pissed off as we got interrupted.

"Do you guys want taco bell" Maggie shouts from the other side of the door making billie roll her eyes.

"Yeah we will both have my usual mom" she shouts. Maggie shouts ok back and leaves.

Billie goes to kiss me again but i stop her, finally gaining my control back.

"We can't in here bil" i tell her and shakes her head disagreeing.

"Of course we fucking can, i'm gonna make you feel good" she says smashing her lips onto mine again. She picks me up once again and takes me to the sofa in the corner, lying me down on it before she climbs on top of me.

She pulls her shirt off and kisses down my chest. I need her. She places one of her legs between mine and pushes down on my centre with her thigh, causing a moan to leave my mouth. A smirk leaves her face as she pulls my top over my head, my top half now naked.

Her mouth attaches to my breast and she sucks it gently.

I unbutton my jeans and pull them down my legs accidentally taking my underwear down with them. Billie smirks and kisses down my stomach and in between my tights. I gently squeeze her boobs making her moan. She places a soft kiss onto my clit, teasing me.

"Please billie" I say not being able to take much more.

"Please what" she says from in between my legs.

"just fuck me" i say breathlessly. She smiles and licks my area up and down. She places one finger at my entrance and slowly pushes it in causing me to arch my back and moan quietly.

Billie leans down putting her head on my shoulder as she goes on to thrust into me. I kiss down her neck as she pushes another finger in and starts thrusting hard. My climax was definitely coming. Her third finger enters and she curls them, getting me to my climax.

"Cum for me" She says, knowing i've reached the limit. Her fingers continue to pump inside me as i finally release. She continues to move her fingers in and out as i ride through my orgasm.

That was amazing.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now