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I pull up at Billies house and park my car next to hers. I send Lucie a quick text to let her know that I may be back late. Ive always wanted to come to this house but maybe under different circumstances.

I follow Finneas and Claudia into the house and look around, its pretty cute. There's random pianos everywhere, and awards that have been won. I'm soon snapped out of my thoughts when a small grey puppy jumps up at my legs. He's so cute. I lean down and stroke him and he jumps on my lap.

Billie comes out of the bedroom shouting for her dog, she looks over at me and sees him. A small smile grows on her face as she watches the puppy lie down and start sleeping in my lap. She laughs and walks over to me. "Here" she says and picks him off me, her hand brushing on my arm. I notice all the hickies she has down her neck, making me feel sick.

"Sit here" she tells me, patting the sofa. I see Claudia watching us from the other side of the room with her eyebrows raised. I do as Billie says and get up off the floor and sit on the sofa. She stands over me and places her small puppy on my lap, stroking him so he sits down. "He likes you" she says bringing a smile to her lips.

"Babe, can I have a beer?" Issac says joining us and putting his arm round Billies lower waist. She looks at me and sighs before nodding and taking him to the kitchen. I kiss her puppy on the head as he sleeps in my arms. I continue scanning the room with my eyes, noticing a photo of billie in the corner which I took. I made it.

"Billie have you not gotten Lexi a drink?" Maggie says raising her eyebrows at her daughter. Billie nods and walks over to me. "Come i'll show you what we have" she tells me, taking the puppy off my lap putting him in his bed. I follow her into the kitchen and Issac steals my seat. She opens the fridge and scans it with her eyes before turning her gaze to me.

"So we have lemonade, water, beer or cola" she says her voice echoing in my ears.

"Lemonade please" I tell her and she nods getting a glass out and filling it with ice, before pouring in the drink. I hear her mumble a little "fuck" as she spills some on the counter. She hands me the drink and I thank her. "Ok everyone outside now for dinner" Patrick shouts for everyone.

Claudia runs in the kitchen and takes my hand pulling me outside as Billie watches. Finneas and Claudia sit opposite each other leaving the only spare seat next to Issac, how exciting. I sit down and inch my chair away from him awkwardly. I get a smell of his musky aftershave, making me gag inside.

"So we have vegan pizza, fries, guac and chips" Maggie says laying the food down on the table. Issac leans his hand across, nudging me grabbing the food immediately. "It looks great Maggie thank you" I say kindly. She looks at me and smiles before kissing the top of my head and pulling a disgusted look at Issac. I notice Billie look down in embarrassment.

We all take some food and begin to eat, I'm starving so this is good. "So considering you're the photographer you better get some fucking good photos of me and billie or I'll make sure your ass is fired" Issac says, looking at me with a mouthful of food. Everyone looks at him in disgust and Billie snaps her head up.

"Issac don't talk to her like that" Billie says softly. Oh so she's protecting me now. I look at Claudia and widen my eyes making her smile.

"I'm only joking babe, good to meet you I'm Issac" he says to me putting his hand out for me to fist bump him. I frown my eyebrows but just do it anyway.

"Lexi" I say lazily, not bothering to even look. He seems like a dickhead, I don't like him. This is going to be one long tour. I finish my food and look down at my hands as I'm playing with them. Claudia kicks my foot from across the table causing me to look up at her, she sends me a questioning look and I nod and smile. I mess with my chains as everyone starts to finish eating finally.

Issac leans over me to whisper something to Finneas, I widen my eyes and mouth "help" to Claudia. "Dude do you have any spare comdoms" he whispers. Why the fuck did I just have to hear that? I close my eyes in embarrassment and excuse myself standing up.

"Where is the bathroom?" I ask politely.

"Ill show you" Billie says immediately and stands up leading me inside. I follow her as she walks down a corridor. "This one" she adds pointing to the door and opening it.

I thank her and try to walk past to the bathroom but she stops me by grabbing my hand. "What did he say to Finneas?" she asks me. I didn't realise she noticed. I rub my head uncomfortably.

"He asked if your brother had any spare comdoms" I tell her shyly. Billie sighs and shakes her head, running her hand through her green hair. "Fuck sake, I'm sorry" she says. I stand in the bathroom door and send her a fake smile. "Its fine billie" I say and shut the bathroom door behind me, locking it. She knows it's not fine.

I sigh lightly and put both my hands through my hair and lean down on the sink. If this is what it is like for one day with them, then tour is going to be hell. I need to get out of here.

I flush the toilet and wash my hands so it looks like I've been and exit the bathroom, finding everyone in the living room. "erm guys I need to go" I announce and they all look at me smiling, Billie looks embarrassed and upset.

"Thats cool, we will get a ride home off someone later babe" Claudia says, she gives me a tight hug as well as Finneas, Patrick and Maggie. Billie stands up and I think she was about to hug me but I just smile and walk to the door. "See you guys on tour if I don't see you again this week" I say and exit the house.

I get into the car and immediately let out a huge groan. Fuck my life.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now