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Hi babies, this is the last chapter. Theres not much else I could do this this story. Thank you so much for the support through all of this. But dont worry theres gonna be a new billie story up later on. I love you and goodbye. Im sorry if you dont agree with this ending.



We are on the plane, flying to Madrid, which I dont think we got to go on last tour. Billie's parents and everyone are already there and are just waiting for us. It was good being at home, I enjoyed it a lot and got to spend good time with my sister and Billie.

I think we arrive in Madrid 3 hours before the show which just gives enough time for meet and greet and soundcheck.

"I'm actually really excited for tonight" Billie says with her head on my shoulder. She has been acting very weird and excited ever since we got on this plane. I dont understand. But oh well.

Anyway, we are just coming into land, which is always the best part of flying. The pilot smacks on his breaks as soon as we crash onto the ground. We make our way round the runway and park up.

He lets us off first because we are in premium, I grab Billie's hand and take her into the airport. We collect our bags and go through passport control, before meeting the driver outside who takes us to the venue.

"Hey guys" Billie says as we enter the greenroom, dragging our suitcases in.

"Your back!" Claudia says hugging me. Maggie and Billie quickly rush off to the meet and greet while I get my camera and stuff.

I slowly walk after them, smiling at Jessie as I walk past. We enter the little room and I set up my camera and the lighting, while the first group of fans speak to Billie.

"Smile angels" I say to them as they all huddle together. Billie sticks her tongue out at me as I take the photo. That group leave and the next one come in. Its very repetitive, theres like 20-30 groups of people, which does get kind of draining. But some of them are actually pretty entertaining.

"Wait can I get a picture with you" One girl says to me, staying while the rest of the group leave. I nod happily and stand next to her, putting my arm round her shoulder. Billie gets her phone and takes the picture before she thanks me and leaves. Why do people even want photos with me. Make's me laugh.

Anyway, its soundcheck time for Billie and Finneas, which means time for me to send the photos out to people. I sit on the stage on Finneas's little platform, with my laptop on my lap as I listen to them.

I found a quicker way to send the photos out so it literally takes me 10 minutes top. Plus I dont really have to edit them I just have to write "billie eilish 2020'.

Jessie has also joined us on stage right now, she doesn't tend to come and listen to Billie, but theres something about this Madrid show that people are so excited for.

After soundcheck, I chill in Finneas's dressing room while Billie uses her steamer and goes on voice rest. He's currently showing me some random video of puppies, dont really know whats happening. Jessie is currently halfway through her set, so there on soon.

"How was your parents" Claudia asks me.

"I didnt really see them much because they went on vacation, but they're good" I tell her and she smiles.

"I'm gonna show you round Madrid tomorrow it's beautiful" Claudia says and Finneas nods in agreement. I'd love to see it actually. I used to want to live in Madrid to do fashion photography but no here I am. This is so much better anyway.

"Love you babygirl" Billie says before I leave to go and set up for the show. I sit in my usual position on the stairs near the stage runway. The crowd cheers, deafening me as the lights turn off and the music starts. I need to stop forgetting my earplugs.

I watch in amusement as Billie pops up on stage and stares at her fans for a bit before jumping up and down to bury a friend.

She gets onto wish you were gay and stops for a second, sitting down and looking out at the crowd with a smile on her face.

"So guys, I want to talk to you about something, and i need you to respect it and honour it, because i'm really happy right now" Billie says into the mic. I frown my eyebrows confused as the fans scream.

"So basically, you know my photographer Lexi right. Well, she's my girlfriend" She says unexpectedly. Everyone cheers and shouts "Lexi lexi lexi" over and over again. I feel my eyes welling up with tears of happiness. I didn't think she'd ever do that.

"Get up here mamas" She says walking over to me and putting her hand out. I stand up and walk up the stairs, holding onto Billie. We stand on the runway and she hugs me tight. Finneas comes running over and joins making it a group hug. The fans all scream dramatically.

Billie looks at me before kissing my lips softly, making the crowd go crazy. I pull away and smile.

"I want no negativity towards this, please appreciate i'm happy and couldn't be more thankful" She says again.

And that's where it ends.

I love you
Lexi xxx

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