Chapter 26

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Hey guys, this will be the last chapter of "Broken" I really hope you enjoyed this story and make sure to read our sequel "Repaired" Love you guys, Emma and I had so much fun writing this and can't wait to start the sequel.

Love Olivia

"Skylar Anne, this is the final time I will say it, get out of my house and never come back!!" Harry shouted across the room. I looked down the hall to see my girl, alive and as beautiful as ever. She was probably about sixteen now, and she looked a lot like Zayn.

"Harry, you can't do this to me!" Skylar's precious voice spoke.

"You wanna bet on it?" Harry threatened.

"Harry, stop. That's enough. Skye is my baby, she was my first and favorite. I love her to the moon and back and if you do ANYTHING to hurt her, I will never forgive you." I snobbed. I should have guessed it, all of a sudden, a giant fire appeared right next to me.

"Baby, Skye needs to go. If I have to take you down to get rid of her, I will make that sacrifice." Harry replied. I heard the front door creak open and footsteps entering the hallway,

"Don't you dare lay a finger on either one of them. or you'll have to deal with ME." Zayn's voice bellowed. He grabbed both of our waists and pulled us closer towards his safe, warm body.

"Took you long enough!" I said into his ear and kissed him on the cheek. "I missed you."

"Mom, who's this man?" Skylar asked.

"This is your dad. Your REAL dad." I said to her as her eyes widened.

"Well, lets cut the chit-chat and get back to the whole "Zayn swoops in to save the day and gets thrown into the fire with Alanna and Skye" thing. This "I'm your daddy!!" thing is really lame." Harry boomed.

Just then, a giant robot baby doll came in and scooped Harry up.

"Put me down!!!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs.

"MUST_KILL_HARRY_FOR_CHILD_ABUSE."  The robot buzzed as she used all the might to throw harry into a wall and land him into the fire, we all watched his burn as the fire went out.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed and shot up. Seven sets of eyes looked strait at me. Simon, Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, Poppy and Liberity.

"Baby what happened?" Harry questioned as he walked over to my bed and grabbed my hand. I was in the hospital, in some room on the third floor. I liked my other room better, the red curtains and black sheets and comforter. This room had boring, white curtains and an ugly light blue duvet.

"Bad dream.. and what happened to me?" I asked.

"Well, you passed out after you found out about the tumor, and so Carter decided with the doctors to do the procedure right away. So it's been two days since." Harry calmed.

"Wow. When do I get to leave?" I asked.

"Well, we are moving into our new house tomorrow. Carter said soon, depending on how the surgery went." He explained.

"I like the name Skylar." I said out of the blue.

"That's actually nice..... and Skye can be her nickname!!!" Harry cheered.


"Ow my head! Niall shut up!!!" I screamed.

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