Chapter 4:Mute

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Tears threaten to spill as I watch the jet take off once again-- this time from the ground.

Don't you cry,Lovely.I tell myself.If you cry,you can't have jelly ever again!!

The tears no longer threaten.I can't help but burst out laughing at this,threatning my concious with my one and only weakness:Jelly.

The guard looks at me funny as he opens the door to the house as I still stand out on the large front porch laughing wildly.A few girls passing by raise eyebrows and whisper things..I then realize what a maniac I must look like...

A maniac in a short yellow dress.I clear my throat and stifle the laugh that wants so badly to emerge.

My jaw then drops when I look up at the chandlier...that thing could keep my family alive for 3 freaking years.

It drops even lower when I notice what the other girls are wearing-- I must look like a nun compared to them:Low cut dresses with stiletos,or short short skirts with equally revealing tops and so much makeup it looks like a blind hooker picked it out the odd shades.

A skinny girl with brown hair makes her way forward and the other girls go back to what they were doing before..which appears not much.Some just continue to talk softly,others sip tea or walk up the stairs or into other rooms.Her dress is equally as skimpy as some of the others,and her makeup is darker and bolder aswell.

"I'm Layla Hobbs...who the heck are you?" her eyes turn into slits as she looks me up and down.I don't answer just simple stare at her hoping she'll take the hint and walk away."What are you,a mute?" she asks waving her hand across my face.After 3 minutes of this she scoffs and walks away with her heels clicking behind her.

"Bad mistake." says a friendly voice behind me.

I turn to see a girl with light brown skin,brown hair,and brown eyes wearing a fairly conservitive purple dress and wedges.She smiles "I'm Chloe,and that girl you just ticked off can ruin your life here."

I smile at her and decide she's worth speaking to.I shake her hand "I'm L- Rarity.."

She chuckles "Well,i'd stay away from her if you don't wanna end up L- dead."

She may be nice..but I can't trust her.

Not yet.


Ok,i'm awesome posting a chapter at 11 o' clock at night.


(Turns out my dog was just barking at an innocent squirrel who by now is somewhere in a tree going 'WTF'.)



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