Chapter 9:BellaDonna

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When I get downstairs I hear shouting and run into the large over-sized dining room.My blackmailer maybe?

Instead I just see Layla yelling at an Innocent girl.

"I'm sorry!" cries the girl.

Layla cringes "Sorry doesn't cut it! you ruined my favorite dress!" she gestures down to her short pink dress,it may be slightly skimpy but for the most part it covered her boobs.

"She didn't mean it." I blurt out.Everyone in the dining room turns to me with stunned expressions.Layla snorts "So,the mute talks,aye?"

I narrow my eyes at her like she always does to me."Leave the poor girl alone,Layla." I hiss.She smirks at me "Or what,mute?" before I know what I'm doing i'm on top of her clawing at her as she does the same to me."GET OFF ME,MUTE." she barks.

I claw at her even harder until i am pulled off her by a very confused Chloe.

"BellaDonna,get out of here." says Chloe to the girl Layla was picking on.Belladonna nods before retreating upstairs."What the heck were you thinking?" asks Chloe over the noises of girls talking nervously some even screaming at eachother.

"I was thinking Layla was being a brat to that poor little girl." I mumble.Chloe sighs "Look,'ve been here a day I like you need to know like all of us Layla has a past...that involves Belladonna,if I were you i'd stay out of it like everyone else always does." she has to be kidding right? well,since she is my 'friend' I guess i'll listen to her just this once."Fine." just then we are interupted by the speaker:


I cringe.Just great.

(Picture of Layla's dress to the right)


Hey guys! thank you for all the reads,votes,comments,follows,and the epic inbox's I have been getting!!

So,Rarity decided to stand up for a girl named Belladonna,attacked Layla,and was scolded by Chloe..what a chapter!

Guys,for those of you who don't know I spam post...which means I tend to post 3+ chapters per since its #TURKEYDAY! i'm spamming the joy.

Please comment your theories of who BellaDonna is below..i'd love to hear them!



p.s short chapter I know.

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