Chapter 7:Guard

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Me and Chloe both look to eachother then back at Layla.

"WELL?" she demands.A few other girls surround the closet confused as to what is going on.I keep my voice on mute and Chloe squints to read the paper and I do too.

Your Going To Make An Excellent Birth Mother.

What the heck? Chloe shrugs "I honestly have no idea."

Layla turns and her eyes narrow into slits when she sees me.

"YOU! MUTE! YOU DID THIS!" she practically screams.Chloe scoffs "Get over yourself,Layla.She's been with the headmistress since she got here...5 hours ago I may add."

"She does have a point,Ma'm." says the guard beside her.Layla groans but then steps up to me and whispers in my ear."This isn't even close to being over."

She walks away and so do the other girls..."Rarity I-" I run away from her.Forget being perfect at all times-- I need air.


I keep running until I collide with something hard."Watch where your-" I pull back and realize its a guard,a very attractive one I might add.

Should I stay on mute? we stare at eachother silently for 3 minutes.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"Who are YOU?"

"Why are you down here?"

"I needed air."

"In a basment?"


He sighs "My name is Ty,i'm a guard." 

I clench my teeth "My name is Rarity,i'm a prisoner in this dollhouse."

We stay silent again and somehow the silence isn't awkward.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks.

"Why are you staring at ME?"

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second."

He groans with frustration."You Damsel's are so darn stubborn and spoiled." he mutters.

How dare he!.I plaster a fake smile on my face and turn back to him."Look buddy,i'm far from spoiled you see my family is currently living in poverty due to my father's drunken mistake,they were forced to sell me to the government and I wasn't aloud to keep anything from my past,not even my name! now if your going to go around judging people start with yourself,Ty." I spit out his name before stomping back upstairs.

I nearly collide with Chloe when I reach the top of the steps."Its should probably get to bed." I nod and make my way up the stairs.I grit my teeth Crap,I forgot I still need a room.

"Your room is across from mine." answers Chloe from behind me.I follow her up the steps silently.

Why am I not talking to her?

I'm about to turn around from my doorway and say goodnight but before I can her door is shut behind her.

Theres always the morning.


 QUESTION OF THE DAY:Am I the only one who's excited to hear about Layla's past?

In this chapter we introduced a frequently requested character Ty..Finally,I was getting sick of making egotistical brats (LAYLA!)

I like bacon



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