Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I was in a vacant field filled with snow. It wasn't cold though; it was nice and warm. I fell into the snow and snuggled into it's fluffiness. For some reason, I got this urge to stand up. When I did, my eyes were drawn to  these snowy trees off in the distance. A figure began walking out of the woods and towards me. I couldn't tell who it was because it was too dark, but there was a fmailiar feel about the figure.

The sun was beating down onto the snow but, somehow, it wasn't melting. It felt so good on my tanned skin; refreshing and home-like. My eyes flickered to the sun and then back at the figure. It was getting more visible now. This person had dark brown hair. I could tell it was a guy by the way he walked. His beautiful eyes glimmered as he walked out of the wilderness; big and brown. His jaw, perfectly sculpted, completed his facial profile. His dark, navy blue jeans and gray shirt shown crystal clear now in the beating sun.

Seemingly created by angels, AJ walked over with his crooked smile that made me want to run up and throw my arms around him. I just wanted him to hold me in his arms and never let go. He came up and with one swift move, his muscular hands scooped me up. He was very warm. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his warm chest.

When I looked up again, the environment changed. We were now on the beaches of the Bahamas. Not just any beach, but my beach in front of my little house. The place I called home for most of my life. I saw my dad and my mom on their lawn chairs underneath the umbrella, sunbathing. AJ and I were by the water.

He let me down and the warm Bahamian water rushed over my bare feet. I immediately sunk a bit into the hot, soft sand. I inhaled deep and I could smell the wonderful smell that I recognized very well; beautiful wildflowers, barbeques, ocean, and a new smell that I did not recognize. It was sweet and it smelled a bit of vanilla. I loved it. It was a welcoming smell. It was unrecognizable, yet familiar. I couldn't place my finger on it. I looked to my left and there was AJ standing protectively next to me, smiling. He had swimming trunks on now. He grabbed my hand. His hand was so warm and gentle. I felt a smile extend across my face; I couldn't help it. Hand and hand AJ and I walked into the warm, Bahamian water.

I opened my eyes with a jolt. It was a rainy day on the Oregon Coast and, to my surprise, the living room looked more complete. Mom must have done some serious unpacking. I threw the blankets off me and I immediately regretted it; a rush of cold hit me and almost knocked me to the ground. I jumped back onto the couch and bundled up in the blankets, back to the warmth.

My mom walked out of her bedroom wearing her whitish nightgown and her short dirty blonde hair all messed up. "Oh, hi honey." My mom yawned. I was still freezing, even under the blankets. "You cold?" My mom asked as if she wasn't. I nodded, shivering. "Okay, I'll turn up the heat. What time is it?" She asked and looked at the big clock, now in the corner of the living room. "Wow, only five thirty? This'll take some getting used to." She said, and walked into the kitchen.

I heard her start the coffee maker. I decided I better get up, despite how cold I was. It took all of my strength, but I got up and walked through the kitchen into the dining room. I sat on the chair and stared at the floor. My mom stared at me, then she remembered something. "Oh! Amber, you're new iPhone came in the mail yesterday. You fell asleep so early that you missed it, but I got it right here, let me go grab it." She said.

I saw a pile of junk mail sitting on a counter in the kitchen. She walked over there and grabbed a plastic bag with an iPhone in it. Then she threw it to me. "It should be all ready to use. Your new number is in the bag somewhere. I didn't even try to figure that thing out." I caught my new iPhone and opened it. "Did it come with a case or anything? I asked looking around. "Umm... yeah, right here." She threw the case at me. "Thanks." I said as I caught the case. I got my iPhone ready and then I got ready for another day at school.

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