Chapter 1: Backstory

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My name is Alexandra Butler, not much to me. Except I'm the greatest female assassin that has ever lived, not to brag. Reasons? Well, most of you will just say there is no reason to kill people. Well, first, I don't just kill, I also steal and sell things...people call me the....well, I don't know..I don't really have an assassin name. I guess people call me the Assassin...I might create my own name...oh well, later. I'm to busy to think about that. Anyway....BACKSTORY TIME!!

I was a little girl at the age of 4, wait...why am I saying it like this!? We aren't in the 1900's! What? Never mind...anyway, I was 4, my parents were out, I was home with a babysitter, next thing I knew, the po-po were at my door, telling the babysitter that my parents were murdered. I actually didn't know what was going on, I wasn't sure what happened. But the police took me away from my home, and put me in foster care. I was bounced from home to home, because no one wanted me. I was a trouble child, always doing bad things. Stealing things from stores, or getting in fights at school. The fights were just because I couldn't take the bullies, I couldn't take the way people treated me. After a while, I tried to be good. I wanted a permanent home. I was 13, when I was actually starting to be the good girl that people actually liked, but unfortunately, I just became another face in the crowd. At 14, I was finally adopted, I found my forever home. Or so I thought...I came home from school one day, to find an empty house, I never knew what happened. All I knew,was that I was alone...they even took my own stuff, except for the things I had in my school bag. I wasn't sure what to do with my life, I was homeless. I didn't want to tell anyone what happened, for fear of going back into foster care. I became the bad girl once again. Now I bet your wondering how I became the talented assassin I am today, well, I'm getting to that. So shut your pie hole and listen! Okay, so I was wandering around town, listening to my iPod, not paying attention to where I was going. I didn't even notice I was in the scariest part of town. I walked into an alley, and saw a group of men standing near a dumpster. I didn't even take notice to them. I didn't care what they were doing. I just wanted to keep walking, just be alone. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder, it tried to pull me backwards. But my reflexes reacted, I grabbed the arm that had grabbed my shoulder, I turned around and twisted the arms, surprised, he tries to push me away, but I punch him in the face instead. He falls onto the ground, clutching his nose. I look up at the other men. Instead of either looking surprised, or...I don't know, they looked happy. They all take a step towards me, I try to make a break for it, but I feel their arms grab me, then I feel a bag go over my face, The next thing I knew, I was in a small, room, tied to a chair. I tried to struggle, but no use. I'm startled when I see the door suddenly open, and three big burly men walk in. One of them walks up to me, and looks me over, I couldn't tell if he was checking me out, or...I don't know. He looks me over, then nods in approval, then leaves me alone with the two other guys. They walk over and start to untie me, the second I'm free, I jump up and run for the door. But they block my way. I dodged between their legs, and did a barrel roll. I ran out with them chasing after me, I ran and ran. I dodged obstacles, and ran for my life through the labyrinth hideout they had. Until finally, I made my way to a large room with an exit sign, I started to bolt for the door, when the man that left me earlier, steps in front of the door clapping. I stop, confused at what was going on.

"Congratulations. You passed the test." Says the man
"What the- what test!?" I yell, out of breath from running.
"The escaping you just did, was a test. A test to see if your worthy to join us."
"And why would you think I would want to join you!?"
"Oh Alex-"
"Hold up, how the hell do you know my name!?"
"We've been watching you for quite some time now, we know what happened to your parents, and your adopted family. We know almost everything about you. We know how bad your life has been, so I have decided, to train you."
"Train me? For what?"
"For revenge" the man says with an evil grin, I didn't know it till later, but the only reason he wanted me to train for him, was because he wanted me to do his dirty work.
"Revenge? What kind of revenge...?" I asked skeptical of what might happen.
"The best kind, but the only way you can do that, is if you join us. We will train you to use weapons, we will teach you how to fight, how to defend yourself, we will teach you everything you want. Everything you need to get your revenge." He says still smiling at me.
"Deal?" He asks, holding out his hand, I weigh all my options, they'll probably kill me if I say no, and who doesn't want revenge anyways?
"Deal" I say, shaking his hand. His smile widens
"Perfect, let's get started."
They trained me for years, since I was fourteen, I've trained with the best combat fighters in the world. They taught me how to fight, how to shoot a gun, how to use a knife, how to shoot a bow and arrow. Which I quickly became good at, the bow is my specialty. They've trained me for 5 years, I'm 19 now. I've become the best there is. When they knew I was ready, they let me have my revenge. They led me to the people that murdered my parents, I killed them. That was supposed to be my only mission, but when I got the blood on my hands, there was no stopping me. I was so good at what I was doing, I expanded myself, I became a mercenary, stealing and selling things. I was still the bad girl, even with the people I trained with. My group, the people that trained me, they were called, the black dragons.

After a while of doing what I had been doing, I started to do worse, and worse things. I even stole stuff from my own team, and sold them to people. They started to see me as a threat, they came after me, they weren't going to kill me, they were just going to teach me a lesson. I killed them protecting myself. I killed them all. I'm alone again. No one to watch my back, I'm ruthless, I kill for those who pay me, I steal for those who want, and are willing to pay.

I play by my own rules, I steal things from different clients, and sell them to other people. No one trusts me, but I'm used to it. I'm wanted by everyone, I have the largest bounty. Well, besides someone else, I've never met him, but that would all change, very soon.

This is my first Assassin story, hope you like it so far. Love all y'all!




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