Chapter 3: cutting ends

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Deadpool? What the hell is he doing here!? And how the hell did he catch my arrow!? Before I can actually say anything, he throws my caught arrow at me, I grabbed it in mid air and shoot it at him again. He dodges, and dives towards me, he takes out one of his swords, and hits my head with the bottom of it, knocking off my helmet. Luckily my scarf is still covering my face, still protecting my secret identity. He swings his sword at me, I duck underneath, then trip his legs. He jumps back up, and dives at my legs, he catches hold, and knocks me to the ground. It's been a long time since someone has lasted this long in a fight against me. We're both on the ground, clawing at each other, he swings a punch at me, I grab his arm, flip him over and twist his arm behind his head.

"Your a lot tougher than I thought." He says, struggling to get free of my grasp.
"I get that a lot." I say smugly. Then he manages to trip me again, he is on top of me now, with a knife to my throat. Sitting on top of me, I struggle to get the blade away, but it's no use, he pins my arms. I don't want my life to end this easily. All of a sudden, I hear police sirens. Distracted he looks up, I make my move, I kick his groin, and make a break for it, I grab my helmet, and hop on my motorcycle and drive off as fast as I can. Almost murdered, and caught by the police in one day...nice.

I ride my motorcycle a long way, to the top of the state of New York. I drive up to a mansion, I park my bike, and take off my helmet. I don't bother to ring the doorbell, I run up to the side of the house, and jump onto the wall, grabbing onto a ledge jutting out, I shimmy down the ledge, and grab onto the railing of a balcony. I swing myself into a graceful flip over the top, landing on the ground of the balcony on my feet. An older man is sitting in a rocking chair, I silently walk over to him. He looks up at me and smiles. Then he stands up

"Has the deed been done?" He asks, I don't talk much to my clients, they rarely ever get more than a sentence from me. I hand him the ID, where I had drawn a big X over the face, with blood. He nods in approval.

"You will get your money soon." He says turning to leave, but I don't take that. I get my money on spot, or no deal. This was a rare chance where I'm not payed up front, but if I waited this long, I want my money now. I speak more when I'm angry.

"I hope when you mean, 'soon' you mean within the next minute, or else." I threaten in an angry voice.
"Or else what? I know you need the money, I just don't have it with me at the moment, you will get your money within the week." He says with his face close to mine. I'm about to grab the knife in my utility belt, to threaten him, but then the door opens, and a boy about 15 walks out.

"Father? What's going on?" He asks his dad, his dad suddenly looks worried. I grin underneath my scarf. Before anyone can stop me, I lurch forward, grabbing the boy, holding him in a headlock he can't escape from. I squeeze hard, choking him.

"Father!" The boy chokes, but I don't let go
"Give me the money Mace, or the boy gets it!" I threaten.
"I don't have the money!" Mace shouts at me
"Then, no deal!" I say simply, then without warning, I surprise the man, not killing his son, but I take one of my throwing knifes and throw at at his throat, hitting my mark, Mace falls to the ground, dead. Then boy, gasping for breath, cries out. But I ignore him, instead, I walk over to Mace, and remove my knife from his throat, then pull out his wallet from his coat, he did have the money. In fact, he had even more. I took his entire wallet. Just as I'm about to leave, the boy runs up, and tries to hit me, I easily block it, then kick the boy back, knocking him on the floor.

"Why!?" The boy shrieks, I hear security guards running towards the balcony. Stand on top of the railing, ready to jump, then I turn around and face the boy.
"Never mess with an mercenary, let that be a lesson to you!" Then I jump off the railing. Grabbing the ledge, and swinging off, landing on the ground with a somersault. Instantly back on my feet and running. I grab my helmet, and hop on my motorcycle, and drive off. Can you believe people now a days? Not paying their dues, trying to cheat a poor girl.

I can't take this, I need a vacation. Just for a little bit, then back to work. I actually do love what I do, I mean, I get payed to do it so...why wouldn't I?

All I want to do is find out why deadpool was after me...was i stealing his business, and he was trying to get rid of me? Was someone upset, and hired him to get rid of me? I don't know...I'll figure it out later, I just need to rest right now. I'll be driving for a bid, my home is in A badish part of New York City.


I drive up to my house, I still choose to live in the house my adopted family left me in. It was foreclosed a while ago, no one really lives in this neighborhood anymore, just a few people still live here, but I live in my abandoned home. It's pretty run down, water damage, some stolen things...well...a lot of stolen things. I still sometimes sleep in my old room, my empty room. I park my bike in the broken down garage. One part of the garage floor is caved in, there's sort of a secret room down there. I created a ramp, I kind of hang out down there. I set up some cameras, so no one can sneak down there, just in case there were some curious kids going by. I slowly go down the ramp, and park my motorcycle. I walk over to a desk. (I put quite a lot of stuff down there) I have a computer system on there, three screens across. One has my security cameras on it, so I can keep an eye while I work. I plop the wallet down on the desk, then I walk over to a dresser I keep down there. I stripped down, then slid on some sweatpants, and a loose t-shirt. I walk back over to the computer desk, I pull on my bunny slippers I had left next to the desk. I sit down, and turn on the middle screen, I don't feel like actually doing anything worky, so I pull up YouTube. My favorite way to waste time, by watching Superwoman, and Dan and Phil. Especially Dan and Phil, they are actually really attractive to me...anyway, I pull up a new superwoman video and watch it. As usual, I laugh until I'm rolling on the floor, and crying. I laugh pretty easy. When the videos over, I do my boring thing, and watch old Dan and Phil videos, they are entertainment for me, but just talking about them to you probably Isent entertaining.

Anyway, I'm watching Dan and Phil pay 5 nights at Freddy's, when I see something on my camera. It's a guy, he looks like he's about...I don't know, 21? And I'd have to say, this guy is pretty damn attractive. He's got shortish/longish dirty blond hair, and brown eyes, he looks pretty tall, and I can tell by the look of him, that he works out. He's hot, but I will kill him if he comes down here. Kill him? Just when I thought I got a break. I watch him look around, then he just leaves. Luckily I didn't have more energy, I really didn't want to get up and get my hands dirty.
I don't know why he even went into my garage, he was either curious, or looking for something. Or someone.


If you've all read this far, thank you! I'm really interested in writing this. Have you ever gotten the feels for your own fan fic? No? Just me? Ok, I'll stop talking about Anyway, I've decided by now I wouldn't make this just one book, I'm going to make this into a series, I don't know how many books I'll do, but I'll see when I get into at least the second book. Well, I suppose I should ask first, do you want a sequel? No? To bad, your getting one anyway! Lol, yes? Yay!!! Lol, sorry...I'm slap happy right now...HAHAHA!! I'll stop now...




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