Chapter 10: Jake

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Alex's P.O.V.

After the deal I made, I went back to my little hideout, and just curled up on my cot with my laptop, and grabbed my phone and headphones. I stick my headphones in my ears and put on my fav song ever 'Kids in the Dark' by All Time Low, and I put it on repeat. I set my phone down next to me, and open my laptop, and start to surf tumblr. Listening to music and surfing tumblr is basically all I do when I'm not on a mission, or whenever I have free time like right now.

I feel calm, listening to music, it's one of the few things that keeps me going in life. I look at my phone, and notice a new song my All Time Low. it's called 'runaways', I love this band, so I'll love the song. I click on it, and instantly fall in love. I listen to it fully, then repeat the song and sing along with it. It's pretty easy for me to pic up lyrics, as long as I love the song.

So let's runaway
They will have to find another heart to break
Why don't we just runaway?
Never turn around no matter what they say.
We'll find a way!

I sing loud, jamming out. I wouldn't say I had a bad voice, but I don't have a great voice either. I continue to jam until something interrupts me. A loud bang from outside, I rip my head phones out, and put my phone down on my bed, and throw on my work outfit. I pull the mask on my face, and grab my nearest sword. I know it sounds like I'm over reacting, but I need to be ready incase deadpool decides to attack.

I jump out of my lair, and barrel role behind an old garbage can. I hear someone walking towards me, and I jump out. What is it? a freaking cat.
"Dammit, I thought your stupid owners were going to keep you in their house, I've complained to them enough times....oh well, at least I love animals" I rant to absolutely no one.

talking to yourself again huh?
I talk to you, thats the same thing
your so jumpy right now. hehe, I can take that to my advantage
hey, just cuz I don't want to die doesn't mean-
Hahahahaha! You should have seen you face! loser
fuck you
language! there are children around
do you see any? no, so go away
your actually listening!? PRAISE THE LORD!

I walk back to my lair, when I am knocked on the ground. I roll on my back just in time to avoid someone kicking me. I put my hands behind my head, and push my legs back, and jump up. I land on my feet, and meet my attacker. sure enough,

"nice to see you again" I said to deadpool.
"likewise" He says in a childlike voice, then he pulls out his two katana blades, and charges me. I easily avoid the simple attack, and step aside. He turned around and threw a knife at me, which I easily caught, and sent it back at him. I pulled out my own throwing knifes, and started to throw them. I'm starting to get bored. *yawn*

ever hear of a plot twist?
well, plot twist, thats not deadpool.
I figured his fighting was off or something, but ok. I think I know who it is...
it's Jake
thought so, that stupid bastard
kick his ass for me, will ya?
sure thang, but why is he dressed as deadpool?
probs one of his stupid pranks
I'll just rip off the mask, what a prick
I know right?!

Jake is a boy I met a long time ago on a mission. He's the only one who know's my secret identity. We dated for about a year, before I realized what a dick he was, so I dumped his sorry ass. Once in a while though, he still visits. Like now for instance.

He tries to charge me again, before he reaches me, I do a handstand, and land on his shoulders. I wrap me legs around his head, and angle myself so I can flip him on the ground. He lands with a groan, making me smirk.

"what the hell Jake, your such a prick." I say with my teeth clenched as I rip off his mask. He smirks at me,
"hey sweetheart, howsit goin?" he says with his stupid accent...yeah, he's from Texas, so he has a bit of a southern accent.
"it was going better till you showed up. why do you have to visit me? I'm the one who dumped you, so you should be the one hiding from me, yet I'm the one hiding in a hole in the ground." I snap
"I missed your snarky replies, I can't stop visiting my favorite girl" one more thing, he still thinks we have....*gag* a thing......I don't know what he thinks we have, but he thinks it's there. Would it be bad if I just pop his head off....?

Jake flips us over so I am on my back on the ground, with him basically on top of me.
"your disgusting, get off of me!" another reason why I dumped him, was because all he really wanted from a girlfriend is sex, and I didn't want any part of that shit. I thought maybe I could get him out of that immatureness, but no such luck. That's why I dumped his sorry ass, and tried to cut off all connections, but he's a persistent bastard.

"I told you to stop, just leave me alone, I have my own problems to deal with right now, I don't need to add you to that list." I hissed at him, "why are you even dressed like that?" I asked, did I mention that the outfit actually made him look ridiculous? There is only one person that makes this outfit look good...

Dirty thoughts about Wade eh?
Shut up
That's no way to talk to yourself. Just kick Jake's ass and leave!
but he won't stop talking....
just walk away
flashback from 2 years ago
just do it dammit!

I put my hand over his blabbing mouth, shut him up, and walked away.
"where are you-" he starts, but I cut him off
"away from you, stay away from me, for good!"

Hey guys! sorryI haven't updated in a while! I was busy with school, and sports. please enjoy the new chappy!!! And check out the new ATL (All Time Low) song at the top! ^_^ I am obsessed! I can't wait till the new album officially comes out!

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