chapter 3

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When they leave, the rest of us just continue chilling at the Curtis house until about 7:30 when it started getting dark. Two, Darry, Dal, Johnny, Pony, and Soda, pretty much the whole gang took a few minutes to look nice before heading out to the race. Greasing up their hair, making sure they liked how they styled their hair. Usually, girls are most known to take time to get ready but I just stayed in the same red tank top and black jeans with my black boots.

"Come on, guys!" I holler, getting impatient. "Alright, alright, hold your horses," Dally says, heading to the door. "Okay, " Two-Bit grabs Pony and holds him, "got it." Two-bit laughs and Pony gets out of his grasp. Pony slaps Two upside his head, resulting in Two tackling him to the floor. "Say, uncle!" Two yells at Pony. "Never!" Pony yells back, trying to get away from his hold.

"Knock it off! Get off each other." Darry tells them when he walks into the living room. They get away from each other, Pony walks next to Dal by the door and Two goes grabbing a beer from the fridge before joining them. "Soda! Let's go!" I yell at him, joining the other boys. He comes out of the bathroom, struggling a little as he walked to the door to put on his flannel. Then Johnny and Darry come to the door as well.

We all walk out, Darry trails along behind us talking with Two-Bit. "You gonna be Steve's good luck charm while he races?" Soda asks as he swings his arms around my shoulders. "Whatcha mean?" I look at him. "You know, hope in the car while he races?" He smiles and i shake my head no. "No, shouldn't that be Evie's job?" Soda shrugs in reply, "Maybe but you-" I cut him off. "Be quiet, you can't say that out loud!" I say in a harsh whisper. "Sorry, " he whispers back with a chuckle.

"But you should get in the car with him." He continues, trying to convince me. "No, no. I'm not gonna do that, okay?" I say firmly. He nods his head, not gonna bother to try to get me to ride with Steve anymore.

We when we arrive, we spot Steve with his arms around Evie and leaning against his ride for tonight. A nice red mustang, everyone seemed to pay their attention to him and his car and you could tell he definitely enjoyed it with the grin on his face. We all walk over, "Hey, Steve." Soda says, running his fingers against the car. "Damn, was this the one at the DX, in the garage?" He questions, still examining the car. "Mhm," Steve says proudly. Soda moves away from the car, "you better not wreck it." He warns Steve. Steve shrugs, looking at me and says, "Hey, y/n." "Hi, " I say back then look at Evie.

"Hi, Evie."

"Hey! Glad you came, I'll need help trying to keep these guys under control." She laughs. "Yeah, you gonna ride with Steve when it's his turn to race?" I ask her and shakes her head no. "Nah, too dangerous." She replies. I nod my head agreeing with her, even if i could I wouldn't because I'd be too scared that we'd crash. Yeah, Steve's a good racer and all but the drag races could be dangerous. Especially, when whoever you were going against was very competitive. I've seen people hit the other car multiple times on purpose, but I guess you have to do that to win.

"Anyways, " I shiver a little. "It's kinda chilly out here," I say as I cross my arms and rub my hands on them. It barely gives any warmth but I didn't bring a jacket so it was my fault i was freezing. Evie had one of Steve's jacket on, I wish I could wear his, It's probably really warm since she isn't shaking like me. I'm still shivering when I feel a jacket hang on my shoulders.

I turn around and see Dallas with a little smirk and without his jacket. I look at my shoulders and see his signature brown leather jacket on me. I take it off and hand it to him, "Dal, I can't take it." I say and continue to be cold. He puts it back on me and gently grabs my arms and puts them through the jacket sleeves. "There, doll. It looks better on you." He winks then walks off to Tim and Curly. I hear Steve, Soda, and Evie laugh a little as my cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

When I first met Dallas, he wasn't very fond of the idea that a girl was gonna be hanging out with the gang. I was very quiet, a little awkward, and shy being around them at first, the only ones I really talked to was Soda and Steve because they were the first people I met. I slowly started becoming more talkative and outgoing, Dallas would always pick on me, that was until the day I had enough of him.

I was out on the front porch, just reading a book and then Dally came and sat right next to me. He grabbed the book from me, putting his finger on the page I was on and examined the cover. "Give it back, please," I say trying to reach for it but he pulled it back. "You gotta reach for it shorty." He tells me. "Just give it back, Dallas!" I was getting frustrated with him, I just wanted to read. He stood so then I definitely couldn't reach it because of how much taller he is than me.

"Just like Pony, his nose always in a book." He says then his finger slips out of the book, losing my place. "Dallas! You lost my place!" I yell at him, he says something back I was too angry to hear and slapped him across the face. His head was turned but then he looked at me and the smirk that he always wear was on his face again. He put the book down and I went to slap him again but he grabbed my hands and put them down. "Feisty, huh?" He whispers. I pull my hands away from him and grab my book and storm off inside.

Ever since then we've gotten along better. I don't know how slapping him fixed our relationship but somehow it did, even made him start flirting with me. I didn't think much of it because Dallas is known for flirting with girls so I didn't care. I'm not sure if he still likes me or something but it doesn't matter, I've fallen head over heels for Steve. I wish I haven't.

I turn back around to face Steve and them and smile. Soda started laughing even more by seeing my face turning red. "Did you put on a lot of blush?" He laughed. "Shut up, Soda," I say and my eyes playfully. "I think Winston has the hots for you!" Evie giggles. "No, no, just Dallas being Dallas." I shrug and stand next to Soda. We all start talking and while doing that I roll up the sleeves on Dally's jacket because it's a little big on me.

Eventually, Steve is called up to go racing so he hops in his car and drives to the starting line, he's up against some Soc. "They're definitely gonna lose," Dally says, coming out of nowhere and I jump. "Aw, sorry doll. Did I scare you?" He smirks and puts his arm around my waist. "Maybe, " I giggle and watch the race happen.

Some girl goes in the middle of the cars, bringing the flag up and then down and that's when Steve and the Soc start taking off. I get a little nervous because of how fast they're going, the Soc I'm not worried about, it's Steve I am. He looks like he's flying. "Relax, y/n," Dally tells me. He puts my head on his shoulder, "he'll be fine." I hope, I think to myself. I look over at Evie and she's yelling, cheering Steve on.

They've already made a u-turn and is heading back with Steve in the lead. "Come on, Steve!" The gang and I tell and he wins. He gets out the car and Evie goes jumping in his arms, he catches her then kisses her. I have to admit, I got a little jealous and looked up at Dally. "Yeah?" He says and looks down at me. "Nothing," I mumble. He and I walk over to Steve to congratulate him on winning. "Nice job, Steve, you showed that Soc," Dally tells him, patting him on the back. "Yeah, you did great!" I smile at him and he smiles back. God, that smile makes me fall harder for him. "Thanks, guys." He says.

He looks at Evie then at me. "Y/n, can you come with me to go get something?" He asks. "S-sure." I stutter. He pulls me off to the side and looks around to make sure no one is listening in. "What did you need?" I ask a little nervous. He takes a deep breath saying, "I wanna ask Evie on marrying me and I need some advice." "What?!" I say shocked. He puts a hand over my mouth to shush me.

"I wanna ask her to marry me." He repeats. My heart broke and I had to fight back the urge to start crying. "O-okay." I can already tell I'm gonna start crying if I continue talking so I need to cut this conversation short. "L-lets talk a-about t-this another la-later. Okay?" I say, having trouble with it. "Sure, " he says and walks off.

I don't even bother staying any longer and head home. I can't handle it. On the way home I begin crying since I just left I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me cry. I open the door to my house and go to my room, flopping down on the bed and start sobbing. I can't believe it... He wants to marry Evie. He comes to me, the girl that loves him, to ask for advice. What do I say? No, because I'm in love with you and hearing this just breaks my heart. Why is life so unfair...

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