Part 16

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Gauri was arranging omkara's cloths. She sighed to herself.

G:I don't understand he needs only one cloth for office then why does he fight with so many? poor cloths! they have to bear jatadhari's nakhre too like me!

"gauri...!!" gauri stood up from bed hearing omkara's voice.

(in mind):now what? why is he shouting?

Om took her hands in his. she raised her eyebrow.

G:are you okay?

O:haan what will happen to me? I am very much okay in fact more than okay!


O:nothing. at first listen to me

G:yes tell me

Omkara took a deep breath and twirled her around shocking her.

G:omkara ji, wh_what happened to you? ee ka hain?

Om continued twirling her.

O:gauri...gauri..gauri!! I am very...very happy today

G:ha_haan I can see that. But for now stop moving me round and round.

Om left gauri.

G:what's the reason of this happiness?

O:gauri, we have got a new deal today and it was necessary for Oberoi Industry. And most importantly, this time not shivay I had given the presentation and it became successful!!

Om grinned happily.

G:this...this is really a good news! One second

Gauri went to her Shankar ji's idol and mouths him a big thank you. Om chuckled seeing her excitement.

G(in mind):sankar ji, never snatch this smile from his face. always be with him.

O:Send special prayer to your shankar ji for me! And give him a special thank you from my side also.

G:why don't you say it by yourself?

O:I have already done that but my 'thank you' will not be as special as yours, right?

G:aisa kyun?

O:Because you are the one who worships him every morning...not me!

G:aisa kuch bhi nehi hai. sankar ji listens to everyone. all are equal to him

O:still you are the special one



G(in mind):ajeeb chirote! never talk in a straight way

O:don't you think you are forgetting something?


Om nodded. Gauri became confused.

O:you didn't congratulate me till now!

Om pouted like a child. Gauri made a sad face.

G:sarry, omkara ji. I forgot that! vo hum...

O:okay it's fine. say it now!

G:haan what they say in english? ( thinking) cong..tu..tion..

O:you mean 'ongratulation'?

O:haan haan wahi wahi

O:thank you so much gauri..!!

within a second Omkara hugs her. gauri gets frozen and looks wide eye but soon she relaxes as omkara starts speaking.

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