Part 17

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R: wrong answer bhaiya (pointing at gauri) she is not anika bhabi's sister. she is our bhabi...O's wife!!

D:haww! He got married? congratulation bro..!!

Deep went and hugged Om. He made faces.

D(whispering to O): why are you so cruel? Now I missed this chance too. poor me ( sighing) search mission for wife to be continued!


D:hehe relax it's a joke!

Deep comes to gauri.

D:hii,I am deep.nice to meet you

He forwarded his hand for handshake. gauri blinked her eyes. Om's eyes were darting between deep and gauri.

She folded her hand.

G:namaste deep ji

D:aww Indian culture! I like it, so following you...

He also folded his hand and greeted gauri. she smiled at his sweet gesture. this irked Omkara. He rolled his eyes. shivru were standing beside Om.

R:how are you O? all good?

O:shut up rudy!

R:huhh...what else can you say except this? bhabi toh gayi haat se aur vo bhi divorce se pehle! the way she is smiling...

Om glared at rudy. He gulped in fear.

R:bha..bhaiya where are you?

Rudra stood close to shivay.

S(in mind):oh no..if rudy behaves like this, Om will be suspicious

shivay signed rudra to remain normal. rudy nodded.

S:what happened Om? aren't you happy with deep's arrival?

O:shivay, don't you know how much I hate this guy! arghh...I don't want to stay here. You guys enjoy. I am going.

R:arree why are you in so much hurry. stay with us

O:par mujhe..

Shivru make puppy eyes so he agrees.

D:by the way what's your name?

G:my name is gauri

D:gau..ri..ahh nice name! umm..are you from mumbai or any other city?

O(in mind):vo jaha se bhi ho what's your problem?

G:I am from bareilly

Deep pretended to think.

D: there is a famous gol gappa stall na..kya nam tha uska? I can't remember

G:apka matlab sarma ji?

D:ohh yes sharma ji..!! you are right gauri

Om frowned his eyebrows.

O(in mind):how did he know about that shop? mujhe toh nehi pata tha

R:bhaiya,dekh rahe hai ap something is happening na (eyeing to Om)


O:now what do you want to say duffer?

R:See O, I am not talking to you. You always keep scolding me. so, this time I don't want to share my vibes with you at all !

O:ok fine! Anyway I am not interested to hear your stupid vibes. bada aya!!

R(to S): pata nehi kyun aisa lag raha hai deep bhaiya is very much interested in gauri bhabi


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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