new girl

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My names Olivia Michael, but you can call me Oli. I'm a senior at Liberty High School. My dads a doctor, we just got to Evergreen last spring.
Dad: I didn't see you all weekend, I had both days off.
Me: I had projects. But I promise I'll make it up to you.
I said kissing his cheek before leaving for school. Dad let's me borrow his car while he takes public transports to get to work. He doesn't want me waiting for the bus. I just started at Liberty, about 8 months ago. Yeah, I'm the new girl. Do I like going to Liberty? Sure, let's go with that. It's an interesting place. A lot of stuff happens at Liberty High, you know? As I walked inside the school, I went straight to see Jessica at her locker.
Me: hey.
She waved at me before smiling. Before we could talk Ani came running towards us.
Ani: Oli, Jess...
Me: If you're going to apologize about the homecoming game-
Ani: The police took Clay.
Jess: What?
Ani: Just now. I saw them out front.
Me: Shit.
Jess: Why now? It's November. Spring Fling was last April.
Me: and why Clay?
Ani: I don't know.
As we were all walking towards our classes, I stopped and pretended to go to the bathroom. I quickly got to the library and saw Zach with all the other football players. I placed my hands on the table.
Me: do you mind?
I said with a fake smile. They all got up and I sat in front of Zach.
Zach: what's wrong?
Me: the cops took Clay. They perp-walked him out of school. Ani saw it just now.
Zach: Shit! Do you think they know-...?
Me: about Tyler? No.
Zach: But why else would they want Clay?
Me: How would they even know? Did someone tell them?
Zach: I don't think so. Plus this whole Tyler thing happened seven months ago why would anyone say anything now?
Me: did something happen this weekend? Or maybe after the game? Did you talk to Clay?
Zach: I was pretty busy trying to walk.
He said before getting on his crutches.
Me: Let me help you.
Zach: It's not my first time in crutches you know?
I laughed before we walked to our History class.
As our period finished, we walked outside with Alex.
Alex: Let ne help you with that.
Me: don't bother, I've tried already.
I said while we all laughed.
Jess: Alex.
Alex turned around and looked at Jess.
Jess: They took Clay in.
Alex: okay.
Jess: Okay?
Alex: yeah, I mean Clays not gonna day anything about anybody. Jess, come on.
Jess: I have to go. Come on Oli.
She said dragging me with her to next period. As we were sitting in Geography, Jess texted Justin to tell him what happened. Soon enough, I guess Tony would know.
Jess: He's going to talk to Tony.
Me: Tony better not want to go down there. You know how he is about Clay.
Jess: I know but he wouldn't do anything that impulsif? Would he?
Me: I don't know.
Both my phone and Jess's phone rang. It was a text message from Clay to our group.
Clay: it wasn't about Tyler, we're all good.
:what was it about then?
Clay: why don't you ask Ani?!
: wtf is that suppose to mean?
Clay: Bryce is missing. He hasn't been seen since Homecoming Friday Night.
Me: what?! Ani never said nothing about it!
Jess: Does they really surprise you?
Clay: They think something happened to him, or that someone did something to him and they think the someone is me.
: oh sweet lord baby jesus.
Jess: shit.
We both closed our phones before I ran my hand in my long curly hair.
After school, the principal wanted to talk to Jess so I just went home alone. As I walked towards my car, I saw the football team practicing on the field. I went to look for a little while and saw Zach on his crutches waiting. Zach is the capitaine of the football team, and even tho he can't play he's there for support.
Zach: Come on Charlie! Hustle! You got beat Friday.
Charlie: No, you got beat. I just suck.
I laughed at Charlie's little commentary. He always knows how to make someone laugh. I went to sit next to Zach and saw Justin walking by us to get to practice.
Zach: You're late.
Justin: I went to see Tony. And Ani went to the station. She said it be best if we stayed away.
Me: Of course she did. Did you see Clays messages?
Zach: Yeah.
Justin: No. What happened?
Me: Bryce is missing.
Monty: Yo Foley! Let's go!
Screamed Montgomery from across the field. Coaches started looking so Justing ran to the DBs zone.
Zach: We're fucked right?
Me: We're not dude. If no one said anything, we'll be fine.
I said before leaving the football practice.
When I walked inside the house, everything was quiet. A small piece of paper was on the corner. Dad left a message saying that he'll work late as that I can order something. I opened my phone and saw three new messages. Tony.
Tony: Can you come down to Monets?
Tony: It's urgent.
Tony: Oli.
: What's wrong?
Tony: We're gonna discuss about Tyler.
: We?
Tony: Clay, Jess, Justin, Alex, you, me and Ani.
: Of course, Ani.
:where's Zach?
Tony: What? You have a problem with her now?
: No. Not at all. My dad is home, so I want to spend time with him.
And I closed my phone. I grabbed the house phone and called for some Chinese food, which was my favourite type of food. As I was waiting for it, I started homework. When I finished math, the door bell rang. I payed the delivery boy and started eating while watching Netflix. I got lost into my thoughts and remembered a conversation we had a couple weeks after Spring Fling.
"Tony: Remember after we brought him back?
Clay: Yeah, he was doing better, what happened?
Me: Where did the bruises come from?
Me: When we trained together, he had bruises on his body.
Clay: We have to get him help.
Me: But if anyone finds out why-...
Tony: Then we're all fucked.
Me: We'll figure it out. We saved him, he's our responsibility.
As we kept talking more and more people started getting into the conversation.
Justin: I went right up to that little punk kid, Cyrus. I was sure he was the one who called. Justin: And I grabbed him and I started going off and then, Zach ran up and was like: "it was me. I called the cops. Tyler should go to jail."
Jess: And so we told him, if Tyler goes to jail now, so does Tony, and so does Clay, at least.
Clay: And that stopped him?
Jess: That's when the cops started coming through the front door and they shut the music down and started getting everyone in the ground.
Justin: Me and Jess were right by Zach, so I was like, "you get to decide now if you take down Clay and Tony, and probably me and Jess with Tyler, and fuck up this school even more, or if we get out of this."
The next morning, we all met up at Monet's.
Justin: Dude, what the actual fuck? Do they really think something happened to Bryce?
Clay: I don't think they know. I mean, it's possible he's just at some hotel in Vegas, right?
Me: Yeah, but what if the start looking into shit between me and Bryce, between you, me and Bryce, like that night at his house last spring.
Ani: What about that night at his house last spring?
Manager: Oli, Justin would you at least pretend like you work here.
Me: I have to start my shift.
Justin: yeah me too. Talk later.
As we got up and started brewing some coffee, I saw Ani asking things to Clay, but Clay seemed off. As I started taking orders, I saw a strange man walking into the cafe.
Justin: I'm gonna take a breath, coming back in five.
Me: okay.
I said as he walked away.
Me: Hey, what can I get you?
?: Justin Foley.
Me: I'm sorry what?
?: I want Justin Foley.
Me: I'm sorry I don't know who that is.
I saw the mans eyes, they were filled with anger, his face was gently bruised on the side and a string door of alcohol came from him.
Me: I'm sorry, are you going to order something?
Me: I'll have to ask you to leave.
And without anymore words he left.
where was Bryce? Did something happen? Did it have anything to do with the secrets that we kept since that day last spring?
Today, was my day of giving Tyler a ride. No I didn't mind, even tho sometimes I liked my private time. But he was a friend, and he needed help.
Mrs.Down: Oh hi Oli. Thanks for giving Tyler a ride.
Me: It's all my pleasure.
I said while she kissed her son. Tyler and I walked in silence towards my car.
Tyler: It's not your pleasure to drive me.
Me: Actually it is. I help my friends.
Tyler: I'm not your friend.
Me: *chuckle* yeah you are.
I said before we both entered the car.
Tyler: You think everyone will keep it secret?
Me: I do. We're all in this together.
Tyler: Who called the police?
Me: We don't know, but I'll figure it out. Trust me.
I said putting my hand on his before driving off to school. As soon as we stepped foot in the school. Monty and his posses walked past us and that made Tyler really nervous.
Tyler: I-i can't do this-....
Me: No one is going to push you around anymore. You can do it.
When I tried touching his shoulder he backed away and his eyes started drifting away from me.
Me: Hey, hey. Tyler. Concentrate on your breathing.
He started breathing before Clay, Alex, Justin and Tony arrived next to me.
Me: You have first period with Alex, stick with him. He'll walk you to second where I'll be. Justin and Clay will come see us at lunch okay?
He approved with his head before walking away with Alex.
Tony: Something happened to him.
Me: you think it was Monty?
Justin: Well, Monty, Bryce, Jamie Garrison, the kid gets it from fucking everywhere.
Justin: Doing this is not going to work.
Me: It has to Justin. We don't have a choice.
Justin: are you sure you got all his..?
No answer. The first bell rang and we all went to our separate classes.
As first period finished, I walked into Science and saw Tyler sitting at our table. I went to sit next to him when Ani stopped me. I gently pushed her out of my way before sitting down.
Tyler: You really don't like her do you?
Me: what, can you tell?
I said while he laughed. As the class started I saw that he was moving his chair closer to me. He whispered in my ear:
Tyler: I need to know...
I grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it.
Me: Our friendship is real Tyler. You're not a chore, trust me.
He approved before squeezing my hand back. Finally, maybe everything was going to be alright.


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