There are a few things I haven't told you

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At this point, you may think you have put the pieces together. You may think you have your man. But you'd be wrong.
Monty: They called again.
Me: Shit. What did you say?
Monty: Same shit as always. I was with Charlie.
Me: I still don't understand why we can' know.
Monty: you know why.
Yeah I know why. I turned around and looked at the clock before the bell rang. I got up and walked to my fourth period with Charlie, Monty and Zach.
Charlie: He seems like a good guy.
Monty: He's a little asshole.
He said talking about Clay.
Charlie: yeah, but he wouldn't kill someone.
Monty: Cops think otherwise.
Charlie: What do you think they have on him?
He said looking at me.
Me: Cops think Bryce was killed a few hours after Homecoming game. Clays got no one that can vouch for where he was.
Monty: Good thing I was getting shit-faced at Charlie's house.
He said while Charlie looked mildly uncomfortable.
Charlie: Yeah.
Monty: Where were you, Zachy?
Zach: With a friend.
Monty: Who?
Zach: None of your fucking business.
And he turned around. I laughed and waited for the period to end. When school finished, we had practice. I really didn't feel like getting geared up so I coached instead.
Me: Push harder! Let's go Charlie!
Me: Oh come on Monty! My grandma hits better than that!
I said while coach Chris started laughing.
Chris: You're such a good motivate.
He said laughing harder.
Thru out all the practice my comments started getting meaner and more deep cutting. Chris even had to tell me to cut it out one time.
Me: Chris...I have to go.
Chris: Why? There's still an hour left to practice.
Me: I just can't anymore. I need to go.
I said while my throat started closing and water started filling my eyes. Chris approved and I ran out of the field. I went into the locker rooms and punched a couple of lockers before feeling tears fall down my face.
Me: fuck!
I packed my bag and left to go to Clays house. Before I even walked inside, I took a deep breath. No, fuck it. I can't. I called Zach.
Me: Hey. Where are you?
Zach: At Tony's gym. I needed to talk to Alex.
Me: Can you come pick me up? I'm at Clays.
Zach: What are you doing there?
Me: I don't know. Please pick me up.
And not even three minutes later, Zach was there with his car. I got in and started crying all the water I had in my body.
Zach: Woah. What happened?
Me: I just can't anymore. Everything is way to fucking much! My dads never home, my mom is gone, I don't have siblings, my friends are all deep into shit, my best friend is on steroids, my boyfriend is a fucking rapist and the only person I wanna talk to right now is a shooter!
I said while almost breaking his car window. Zach brought me to get ice cream and we talked for a couple of hours. I told him everything, from Clay to Monty. From Jess to Justin. From Bryce to Tyler. Everything, he listened without saying anything. He listened to me, and that's what I really needed. Then he drove me home where Monty was waiting for me.
Monty: You okay, Oli?
He asked pushing off Zach.
Me: No. Yes. I don't know.
Zach: Take it easy on her dude, she's been thru a lot.
He said while holding me.
Me: Can I tell you guys something?
I said while holding Monty and Zach's hand. They both approved but made me get inside. We sat on the couch.
Me: Remember homecoming?
Monty: yeah, they really made a big show.
Me: yeah. You remember how I told you I didn't participate in the fight?
Zach: yeah?
Me: I lied. I did fight. With one special person.
By half time, there had been plenty of hard hits on the field, but nothing compared to what Jessica was about to do. It was going to change everything for everybody.
As the halftime show finished, every single one of the players started pumping up ready to beat Hillcrest. We were currently winning 14-10. Before we could even make one play, Jess and her girls from HO started running on the field.
Me: What the fuck?
HO: Rape culture has got to go! Hey Hey! Ho! Ho! Rape culture has got to go.
They kept shouting and a banderole opened while some of the girls started getting undressed.
Monty: Foley, go get your bitch.
I hit him with my helmet.
Justin: Shut the fuck up and chill out.
They all started getting naked, only leaving their bras and underwear. Monty started laughing and drooling. I hit him behind the head.
Charlie: It's way too cold for those girls to be outside right now.
Justin: That's your fuxking focus right now? Seriously, dude?
The police started getting involve. I saw Ani talk to Bryce but didn't make much of it. Jess kept screaming until a Hillcrest guy went behind her and tabbed her boobs. That drew the line. Justin and everyone else threw their helmets on the floor and went on the field and started fighting. We all started fighting, I was beating the shit out of every single guy. I saw Alex, Clay and a bunch of other students getting involve into the fight. This wasn't going to end well, but I didn't care. I saw Bryce, and literally ran to him. I tossed him a couple of times before hitting him.
Bryce: What the fuck Oli!
Me: This is for being a fucking dick and not answering any of my fucking calls!
I said while hitting him before Monty pushed me off and beat the shit out of Bryce who did hit Monty a couple of times too.
When the police got everyone calmed downs, they took everyone in the gymnasium and the athletes went to the locker rooms. As everyone was talking, I stood on a bench.
Me: This...what we did today. That wasn't us. That's not who we are.
Me: Some of us got injured, some of us are even in the hospital right now.
Everyone looked down.
Me: But...we fought for our school. We fought for who we are, as Tigers. We are Liberty Tigers! We will not let some stupid rich ass kids dominate our field! This is our home!
I said while everyone was chanting with me. Jessica did make a statement. But so did the Tigers.
Zach: You told me you fought with the number 13.
Me: I lied. I fought with Bryce. And I fought hard.
I said lifting up my shirt and showing all the cut and bruises I had.
Me: He didn't do shit to my face, only to my body.
Monty: shit!
He said clenching his fist. They were both pretty shaken up about my revelation. I guess nobody expect me to go after Bryce. But I did what I had to do.

that night - la cruz Where stories live. Discover now