The good person us indistinguished from the bad

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Clay called me panicking. He said the police was at Bryce/Ani's house. They found a body, in the river. Mrs. Walker is going to the morgue to ID the body. They think it might be Bryce. They think it might be murder.
Clay walked into the gymnasium followed by Ani while Justin, Zach and I were shooting some hoops. Clay told them what he told me.
Zach: Did they say what happened?
Clay: That's all we know. I just wanted to get to you guys before it hits the news.
Justin started running before throwing up in the trash.
Me: I got him.
I said before running after him. He walked on the field and I heard him sobbing while holding his head.
Me: Justin? Are you okay?
Justin: No Oli, no I'm not..I'm fucking sad.
He said turning around to look at me.
Me: why?
Justin: I've known him since I was eight. He was the first person that gave a shit about me, the first person to look after me.
Justin: He was my fucking brother.
I got closer to him and hugged him. He burried his face in my neck.
Justin: He was a fucking person. A human being. And now he's fucking dead.
Me: I know, I know.
I said while he kept crying. A couple minutes passed and we walked back inside the school into our classes. I sat beside him and he kept playing with his pencil.
Me: hey, you okay?
Justin: I don't know. I just want to go home.
Me: We can't Justin, you know that. If we leave, everyone is going to wonder shit.
Justin: I'm so tir-..
Bolan on PA: May I have your attention, please? Moments ago, we received some extremely sad news from the Evergreen County Sheriff.
Bolan: Former Liberty student Bryce Walker was found this morning and has been confirmed dead.
Everyone started talking over the intercom. I turned around and looked at Monty. I could hear him mumble some stuff under his breath but didn't quite catch what he said.
All day everyone looked at Jessica like she killed him. Alex tried to check up on her but she shut him down.
Me: She needs a little time.
Alex: I've given her time Oli. So much fucking time!
He said before hitting a locker. I told him to relax and to fucking calm down cause he was bringing attention on us.
Around 7pm, Tyler and I went sparing at Calebs gym. We spared for a while before Caleb and Tony walked in.
Me: Hey Tony. Hi Caleb.
Caleb: Hey, what are you kids doing here?
Tyler: Just a little sparing. She needed to get her mind off of things.
Me: I think we both did.
I said laughing. Tyler and Caleb then started fighting and for the first time I actually saw him smile and fight freely.
Tony: Okay, I'm drawing it. You win.
He said to Tyler before going to see his boyfriend.
Tyler: I won.
Me: You were on fire today.
Caleb: And fast.
He said while laughing. I high five Tyler before we went to the locker room to change. After a couple of minutes we got out and helped Caleb and Tony closing.
Tyler: hey umm can I talk to you?
Me: yeah okay. What's up?
Tyler: did Tony or Clay ever talk to you about where they hid know?
Me: Like they said, it's better if none of us knew.
Tyler: I know but like did they ever say anything..?
Me: why do you care?
Tyler: I don't-...umm I just had a feeling...
Me: You had a feeling huh?
I said while leaving the gym and walking towards my car.
Tyler: I wanted to know so I can dispose of another gun....
Me: WHAT??!!
I said almost making us crash into something.
Me: Why do you have a gun? I thought you gave everything to Clay and Tony?!
Tyler: I kept one just in case...
Me: In case of what? Tyler we are making progress.
Tyler: I know, and like I'm really doing fucking better but...
Me: We have to go get it.
Tyler: We can't-t my parents are home.
Me: Now Ty.
I said while driving to his house. I dropped him off and he said he'll give it to Clay tomorrow morning. I called Clay.
Me: Hey.
Clay: what's up Oli?
Me: Tyler still has a gun.
Clay: What?! I thought he gave us everything!
Me: He kept one. It's at his place.
Clay: Are you there? Is he going to give it to you?
Me: Yeah, but his parents are home so he won't take it out now. He said he was going to give it to you tomorrow morning.
Clay: I can't exactly keep a gun in my car Oli.
Me: I know but it's better if he gives it to you then if he keeps it.
Clay: you're still there?
Me: yeah, I'm not moving.
I said before he hung up. I looked at the Down's house and realized that Tyler's bedroom light was open. I didn't make much of it because he just got home and maybe he went to take a shower. My phone buzzed and I saw Montys name appear on my screen.
What does he want?!
I picked up.
Me: Yo.
Monty: Can you come pick me up?
Me: why?
Monty: just come.
He said before hanging up. If something happens to Tyler when I'm gone I will murder him. I drove to Montys house, he probably lived 10minutes away from my house. When I arrived, I saw three broken windows and a bunch of beers on the grass, wtf is going on here?
Monty: Finally.
He said opening the door and throwing his gym bag on the back seat.
Me: What's going on?
Monty: My dad just kicked me out.
Me: WHAT?!!!!
I said almost crashing into a tree.
Monty: Jesus Oli! Watch where you are going.
He said while taking out his phone of his pocket.
Me: I'll drop you at mine, but I have something to do.
Monty: Fine I'll come with you.
Me: No!
I said super quickly which probably made me sound less gullible.
Monty: What are you hiding Oli?
Me: nothing.
I kept driving in silence before we arrived at my house.
Me: My dad won't be home till tomorrow night so you have the house to yourself.
Monty: I want to spend my time with you Oli...
He said before taking my hand. I looked into his eyes before calling Tony.
Me: Hey Tony, can you take care know?
Tony: Why can't you?
Me: umm...something came up.
Tony: huh, you sure it's not Monty.
Me: Okay maybe, but can you? please?! I don't want him finding out.
Tony: why?
Me: I'll talk to you later.
I said before hanging up. Monty looked at me confused.
Monty: Finding out what? And who's him?
Me: Nothing important.
I said before we both entered my house. I made us diner before we sat on the couch and started watching Netflix.
Monty: What's this thing you had to do anyways?
Me: Nothing important, don't worry.
Monty: You did have to call Tony so...?
I looked into his eyes before looking back at the screen.
Me: Really Monty, it's nothing important.
Monty: Seems important to you tho.
Yeah it was. I wanted to be there for Tyler. I wanted to help him more. I took a deep breath before saying:
Me: There's this kid I'm helping....he had a major trauma and he needs help to get better...Tony and I are helping.
Monty: Who's the kid?
Why does he have so many questions.
Me: you don't know him.
I guess that was enough cause the rest of the night he didn't ask anything else about "the kid". You're maybe wondering why I don't want him to find out about Tyler, well it's because I think something happened between the two of them. I'm not quite sure tho.
Midnight struck, while Monty was sleeping I went to the kitchen and called Tony. Voicemail.
Me: I think something happened between Monty and Tyler. I don't want Monty to find out because him knowing could seriously fuck up Tyler even more. I want to be there for Ty, I just can't leave Monty alone. You understand, don't you Tony? Anyways, I'll talk to you tomorrow and I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
And I hung up. Tears were rolling down my face before I quickly brushed them off and went back to bed with Monty.

that night - la cruz Where stories live. Discover now