Angry, Young and Man

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What does a killer look like? I'm actually asking. Because we had no idea. Clay and Ani thought maybe Jessica had it in her but wanting Bryce dead and actually going through with it are two very different things. It takes a certain kind of person. But who?
As I was waking up, I saw Monty looking thru his phone.
Me: hey, already awake?
Monty: yeah, couldn't sleep anymore.
I smiled at him before he said:
Monty: Bryce was shot.
Me: What?
Monty: yeah, the Evergreen County Register reported it this morning.
There was only one person that came to my mind at this moment. Tyler. Monty presses his hands on his face and sighted loudly.
Monty: Its fucked up Oli.
Me: I know Monty. I know. Umm...I'm gonna go get a glass of water.
I said getting up and leaving for the kitchen. For fuck sake Tyler what did you do?! The one person in Liberty who's had it the worst and had been through tte most. It was Tyler. I got a call from Justin.
Me: yo.
Justin: did you hear? Bryce was shot.
Me: shhhh lower your voice.
I said checking to see if Monty was close to me.
Justin: why??
Me: Monty is here, I'm not trying to have him break everything in my house. And I know already.
Justin: Clay said to not tell anyone.
Me: okay, I won't. Umm also is Clay picking up Ty today?
Justin: No, we have the social worker coming.
Me: right, it was today. Well good luck and I'll handle this thanks.
I hung up and went back upstairs.
Monty: who was it?
Me: Justin.
I said while trying to find something to wear. As I got dressed, Monty kept looking at me.
Me: enjoy the view?
Monty: very much.
He said while getting up, he pressed his strong hands on my hips and gently got closer till my back was on his chest. I felt his breath on my neck which made me get shivers.
As I was walking thru the halls, I saw Ani and Tony talking. But I also saw Tyler. I was going to go see him when I saw him pull out a bag and putting it into his backpack. He couldn't have, right? Bring a gun to school I mean.
Ani: What reason does he have this time?
Tony: Did he gave a reason last time?
As he was going to talk to Tyler, Dr. Singh stopped him and they went to talk in her office.
Me: you have three periods with him, watch him.
I said while leaving for my geography class. I saw Zach sitting at our normal place and went to sit next to him.
Me: hey.
Zach: it's been a long time since I talked to you.
Me: that's true, you need to come to my house someday.
I said laughing while we started sharing memes and everything.
Zach: you ugly.
Me: reverse card uno.
He pressed his hands on his heart and made like he was dying. I laughed while everyone looked at us. We were the only ones that had laughed since they said Bryce was dead. Everyone has been sad/depressed/mad/etc all fucking day.
Zach: they gotta find their chill.
Me: oh umm I have something to say.
Zach: yeah sure go for it.
Me: Tyler asked me and Tony go get rid of another gun. Because he was quote "done with it." And we think he might have it at school.
Zach: Fuck. You don't think that he- -
Me: I don't want to, but I can't stop thinking about it.
All those characteristics they say killers have, lack of social skills, a fascination with death, a deep-seated feeling if rejection from the world...Tyler had them all.
Zach: shit. Shouldn't we call the cops?
Me: If he falls we all fall and you know that. Clay and Tony could face serious time in prison while Tyler could be put in a mental hospital.
Zach: Shit.
Mr. Diaz: Dempsey, Michael would you mind?
We both looked at the teacher before turning around and trying to understand something. What would've been his motive? He's doing better isn't he? So why would he have a gun? Are we ever going to be normal high school kids?
Mr. Diaz: Ms. Michael what is your answer.
Me: Georgia.
I said before thanking Zach who whispered the answer behind me. As first period finish, I stayed with Zach and saw Alex walking towards us.
Me: hey.
Alex: Jess is going to watch Tyler for 3-4th period.
Me: great.
Zach: you guys are still all doing this program thingy.
Me: yeah, it's for him.
I said before seeing Tyler drop his books. He picked them up and saw Monty walking towards him with his poses. My mind immediately went to what happened this morning....before coming back to reality. As he walked passed me, he winked at me.
Tyler was unpredictable. He seemed primed to snap all over again. I wouldn't find out why after much later. None of us would. As I came back to reality Alex said:
Alex: I don't want to hear this.
Zach: It's not that hard to believe.
Alex: Tyler's my friend. He's in a good place right now. If you hadn't threatened to call the cops and spent time with him, you'd fucking know that.
Me: Jesus! Keep your voice down.
I said before hearing the bell ring.
Me: Are you still mad at Jess?
Alex: Of course I am.
He said while sitting at a desk. I sat beside him and opened my notebook. A piece of paper fell out if it.
"I'll see you tonight, and I'll show you a good time.

that night - la cruz Where stories live. Discover now