The world closing in

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I never knew Hannah Baker. I wasn't around. I didn't know the story. But it seems to me like if anyone would have a reason to want Bryce Walker dead, it would be her mother. And you might have looked more closely at her, if you hadn't had all your eyes on Clay Jensen.
I overheard Clays conversation with Tony on the phone.Clay asked if one Mrs. Baker ever reached out to him. Before I could listen to anything else Zach put his chair next to my desk.
Zach: Did you read the Register?
Me: I think everyone has.
I said while writing a couple of notes.
Zach: What did you think? Because first they said that Bryce was shot, then they said he was beaten. Now they're looking at Clay, who must be freaking out about all this.
Me: Wouldn't you?
Zach: If he', guilty, that'd be pretty messed up, but if he's not..that would he like even more messed up.
Me: yeah, totally.
Zach: Does Alex talk to you about what his dad said?
Me: We don't really talk much since I found out about the steroids.
Zach: yeah, no totally. I'm working out after practice wanna join?
Me: yeah sure.
I said while the bell rang. I picked up my stuff and helped Zach get up before leaving for my second period. I saw Monty talking to Dr. Singh, what would she want to do with him? I waited for him to get out and soon enough he did.
Me: What did she want?
Monty: So we're talking now?
Me: Monty. You know I had my reasons.
Monty: I know. It's just fucked up. One bad thing and you call me a piece of shit.
Me: You kinda are tho.
I said laughing while he rolled his eyes.
Monty: I'm failing three classes.
Me: Surprise it's not four.
Monty: that's what I told her. *laughs* And then she said that I would be cut from the football team, the wrestling team and the baseball team.
Me: So what are you going to do?
Monty: I guess up my grades, I don't know.
He said while he put his arm around my shoulders. I saw Tyler, he looked at me and I quickly got out of Monty's arms.
Monty: What?
Me: Tyler...I-...
Monty: For fuck sake!
He said hitting a locker. Does he really have to make a big show? Everyone started looking at us.
Me: We cannot fight right now. Not right now at least.
I said while taking his hand.
Me: He doesn't know...he's my friend De la Cruz.
Monty: You're going to hide us?
Me: No. No, of course not.
Monty: Then stop.
He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder again. I took a deep breath before looking at Tyler. Tyler didn't say anything and at lunch we talked about it.
Me: Hi Ty.
Tyler: I get it. You love him, don't you?
Me: yeah...yeah I do.
Tyler: Than don't let that go. No matter what. Me: But he hurt you!
Tyler: I hurted you too, you forgave me.
Me: It's so not that same thing, Ty. I don't know what the fuxk to do.
Tyler: It's all okay.
And he left. I looked up and saw Monty walking towards me. He put his arm around my waist and got me closer to him.
Me: what's wrong?
Monty: What? I can't hug my girlfriend no more.
Me: Oh, so we're girlfriend and boyfriend now? What if I wanna break up?
Monty: I reject your breakup request.
I laughed.
Me: That's not how it works.
He said laughing. I looked into his eyes before saying:
Me: Charlie told me, about the drug overlap.
Monty: Fucking Charlie.
Me: Yeah, fucking Charlie, who cares about you and won't give up on you.
I said while he sat on a bench and out his head in his hands.
Me: And neither will I. I'm not gonna let you push me away.
Monty: Why? I've lied to you. I've hurted you. I've been a dick to you. I'm just gonna let you down, just like I've left everyone else down.
Me: Stop!
I said while he started trembling and shaking. I took his face and looked at him in the eyes.
Me: I love your lame ass, Montgomery De la Cruz. No one can change that.
I said chuckling.
Me: And if you're in any kind of trouble, I want to help you get through it, okay?
Monty: I love you, but I just feel like I'm going down this dark whole, and I. Any figure out how to get out of it. I don't want to bring you down there with me.
I pressed my hand on his cheek.
Me: Where you go, I go.
And he pressed his lips on mine. We kissed for a couple of minutes before heading back to school.
Trust is the hardest thing, isn't it? Can someone trust a lover? A friend? A brother? Can you trust me?
Justin, Clay and I went back to there house as soon as school finished. Monty went to mine and wanted to prepare dinner so he said I had to let him be alone or I would only distract him. Me? Distracting? Never! As we walked into the house, his parents had left a message on the counter.
Clay: We have the house to ourselves. Mom is working and dad has a meeting.
Justin: Cool. So, Jess.
Clay: Oh. Shit.
Me: What, Jess?
Justin: Jess told me you spoke to her.
Clay: Yeah. I'm sorry, I was just trying to help. I thought maybe if she knew what was going on with you, maybe she'd understand.
Justin: You're right. I couldn't tell her, so I'm glad you did.
Clay: Cool.
Me: So what you gonna do now?
I said sitting down with Justin.
Clay: I don't know.
He said until we heard knocking on the door. Loud knocking. Clay went to see and not even three seconds later, I'm faced to the wall and the whole police department is sweeping Clays house. Justing had enough time to put a bottle of Oxy in my bra and no cops dared to touch me.
Me: Clay, don't say anything.
Sheriff: We will need the shoes you're wearing along with any electronic device you may have.
He said to Clay while he was faced to the wall. I looked at Justin and he was as confused and shocked as me.

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