Chapter 2

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OMG you guys, I got one hour of sleep last night, because I wanted to be awake for the drop of Map of the Soul: 7  and the new BTS video "ON" (which I love both btw). I went to sleep around 5:30 a.m. and my sis woke me up at 6:30, so I wouldn't miss my boys on The Today Show. Anyway, I was falling asleep as I was editing this, so please excuse my mistakes! I wanted to get this one out since I didn't update last week. I hope you guys enjoy it! Vote and comment!

Chapter 2


Val's pregnancy had come as a surprise to her and Joe as she had been back on birth control for several months. However, a careful examination of the last three months had quickly taken them back to the Raw show in Dallas, Texas.

Val disclosed to Joe earlier that day in late March that she had left her birth control at home and that they needed to skip sex for the night. After taking a beatdown from then champ Brock Lesnar, the last thing on Joe's mind was skipping anything that called for her being naked and alone with him in a hotel room. It didn't take much convincing from him to talk her into taking advantage of that hotel room with a week's separation ahead of them. "Only if you promise to put forth a real effort to pull out because I'm not doing that damn morning after pill." He readily promised. However, when it came time to withdraw from the treasure box, they both failed. That one moment of weakness resulted in what would be the couple's third child together in a matter of months.

"I can't believe you're really pregnant again," Joe said, smiling down at her as she lay wrapped in his arms, eating from a pint of butter pecan ice cream.

"I can't either. I should've told you sooner. I'm really sorry, Joe."

"It's alright, baby. I understand why you were scared to," he said, kissing the top of her head. "How do you feel about it?"

"I'm not looking forward to comin' off the road, but I know it's best," she rationalized. "Besides, it'll be nice being home with my babies."

"And I promise, Doll, I'm gonna get home every chance I get."

"I know you will."

"And for the record," he started, heaving a sigh before continuing, "I'm so sorry about last night, and I want you to know that I do trust you and I'll never doubt your loyalty again. I give you my word on that, Valkyrie."

Val nodded and sat up, placing the empty ice cream carton on the coffee table.

"Joe, listen to me, baby," she said, taking his large hand in hers. "I will never jeopardize what we have for anyone or anything. You and the kids mean everything to me, and I'm not trying to lose my family. Understand?"

"I understand."

She grabbed the carton from the table and stood from the sofa.

"You ready for bed? We got an early morning ahead of us."

"Yeah," Joe answered, also standing.


After making a final check on Rosey and Matty, Joe and Val retired to their bedroom for the night. As per her usual habit, Val cuddled against Joe's body, nearly dozing off immediately, only to be awakened by Joe's voice softly breaking the silence of the room.

"So, does anyone else know yet?"

"Not yet," Val answered through a deep yawn. "But I'm sure my mom's gonna piss her pants with excitement. She's been trying to convince me that it's a good idea to have them this close together."

Joe softly laughed and began to gently rub her arm.

"Make sure you tell her we were really just being bad, horny little devils."

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