Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


June 16, 2018

Joe stayed at Val's side until her release nearly a week after her accident. As he helped her dress, he noticed the melancholy look on her face and her quiet demeanor.

"Still thinking about things?" he asked as he slipped her t-shirt over her arms and head.

"Yeah," she answered with a loud sign. "It really hurts my heart."

"I know it does, baby. It hurts me too. But, I'm so glad and thankful that you're OK. Things could've been so much worse. I could've lost you too and I don't think I would've ever been able to recover from that. Ya know?"

"Yeah," she replied, carefully slipping her wrist into the t-shirt. "All I remember is somebody running a stoplight and sideswiping me."

"Yeah, I haven't seen it yet, but the insurance company totaled your car," Joe advised.

Before he could walk off to retrieve her shoes, Val wrapped her arms around his waist. He returned her embrace and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you for being here, Joe. I don't know if I'd be able to handle all of this without you."

"No 'thanks' needed, baby. I'm gonna stay with you until you're back at one hundred. I already gave Steph and Paul a heads up and everything's good. You're my priority."

When her hold on him tightened, he began to gently stroke her hair.

This is gonna be hard.

"I'm here, baby," he said, placing a second kiss on her head.

The couple stayed that way a few moments longer before Val's attending physician returned for a final consultation.

"Rest, rest, rest," Dr. Martinez reiterated after greeting the couple. "Also, be sure to follow up with your PCP and OB/GYN. I've sent in your prescriptions, so they should be ready soon. The nurse'll be in to go over discharge instructions with you in just a moment. Any questions?"

"Not right now," Val answered.

"OK. Well, if you do think of any, feel free to give me a call and my nurse'll get the message to me."

Both Joe and Val nodded their understanding and Dr. Martinez exited the hospital room.

The nurse arrived a few minutes later with discharge papers. After going over her aftercare instructions, Val was officially released from her doctor's care.


Val quietly rode in the passenger seat, still reeling from the events over the last week. Just a couple of weeks after finding out about her pregnancy, she'd started to experience the symptoms that she'd hoped to avoid after learning of the diagnosis she'd kept to herself for more reasons than one. Hence, her reason for driving to the impromptu visit to her OB/GYN's office which she never made it to on the day of her accident.

As a result of this unfortunate loss and the medication given to help end the pregnancy, trying again wasn't in the foreseeable future for her and Joe. That was a talk that she wasn't ready to have with Joe and wouldn't be ready to have for a while.

I hope he understands.

"You're quiet," Joe said, glancing over at her.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about some things. Don't worry, though. I'll be fine. I just need some time to work this out."

"I understand, baby," he said, reaching over and grabbing her hand. "You know I'm here and I'm gonna do whatever you need me to do to help you get through this."

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