Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Val awoke the next morning to the smell of strong coffee right next to her nose, intermingled with the scent of an aftershave unlike the familiar scent of her husband's. Upon her realization that someone had been in her room without her knowledge, she quickly peeked underneath the bed's comforter.

Oh my God, she thought in terror as she tightly clutched the comforter around her body. She was completely naked and without a clear memory of last night. The last thing she did remember was coming up to her room with Kai.


"Oh my God!" she said, attempting to get out of bed.

Her foot became entangled in the comforter, sending her crashing to the floor in a worried heap. A high shriek of surprise slipped from her mouth as the person, apparently still present, ran from the living room area into the bedroom.

Oh my God! I'm gonna die!

She covered her head and tried her best to disappear in the comforter until she was certain the intruder was gone.

"Baby, what the hell are you doing on the floor?" Joe questioned, prodding at the blankets until he found her arm. "Come on. Get up."

"Joe?" she asked, her voice muffled in the mass of bedding.

"Yeah. It's me. Come on," he said, helping her up. "You need a shower. You smell like a distillery. How's your head?"

"It hurts like hell," she answered, sitting on the bed with his assistance. "I'm so glad you're here."

"So am I. What the hell did you and Kai get into last night? He said he barely made it in time to pick me up earlier," Joe said, handing her chewable tablets for nausea.

After she had chewed them and taken migraine medication with some apple juice, he handed her the mug of coffee. She took a few good sips and set the mug aside.

"Thank you, baby," she said, leaning back on the bed and covering her eyes with her arm.

Relief was only momentary as she quickly remembered that she was naked and had no idea of how she'd gotten that way.

"Um, we had a little too much to drink."

"I see," Joe said, walking into the bathroom. "When I came in, you still had your swimsuit on."

Christ! I'm not drinking anymore!

"You were so out of it, I didn't even bother to put a t-shirt on you," he said, walking back into the bedroom.

"Oh God," she exclaimed, sitting up and running her hand through her tangled hair.

"I started the hot tub instead. I think you could use a good soak."

"Do I really smell that bad?" Val asked, frowning as she kept the blanket tightly clutched around her body.

"No, but it'll help you relax and make you feel better."

"I guess you're right," she said, standing from the bed and walking into the bathroom.

"Hey," he started, joining her, "if it's OK with you, I'm gonna hit the city for a minute with Kai. Is that cool?"

"Yeah, sure. Enjoy yourself, babe. I need to recuperate anyway. You let your cousin know, I'm not fucking with him tonight."

"I sure will, Doll. You get some rest. OK?" he said, walking up to her and kissing her forehead.

"I will."

"I'll see ya later. Call me if you need anything."


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