Chapter 9

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Here's the next update, guys! BTW, I have to say this. If we want to beat this virus, we have to make sure that we're social distancing and practicing cleanliness. I'm not only a writer, but I'm also a biologist. This virus is one that hasn't been seen so the human body has a hard time fighting it because it's a new strain of the Coronavirus. The best defense for us is preventing ourselves from getting it. So do your best to keep yourselves and others safe! OK, now on to the story!

Chapter 9


August 22, 2018

Thankfully, over the next several weeks, Val had recovered from her accident and miscarriage. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for her marriage. Although they were better than they were seven weeks ago, they had yet to fully resolve their issues. For the most part, their conversations only focused on the care of their children and her physical health. Their marriage had been strained, so much so that they still hadn't started sharing the same bed yet.

As much as neither of them wanted to, they both had agreed to attend Josh and Jon's birthday party later tonight in hopes of injecting some kind of normalcy back into their lives.

Val blew an exasperated breath as she rummaged through her closet for an outfit for tonight's gathering in Tampa. She searched a few minutes longer before finally giving up. With her marriage still on the rocks, she just hadn't been able to focus on anything.

"Fuck," she cursed, sitting on the bed.

Joe entered the bedroom moments later, keys in hand.

"I'm going to the barbershop. You need anything while I'm out?"

"No," she answered, shaking her head. "I'm good."

"Alright. I'll be back later," he said, turning to leave.

As she watched him walk away, she wanted to call out to him, but his coldness toward her wouldn't let her. Since she'd come clean to him, he had yet to forgive her. Even worse, she hadn't forgiven herself. That guilt had left her in an emotional mess that she couldn't seem to bring herself out of.

"Fuuuuck!" she loudly screamed after she heard Joe's vehicle drive off.

She flopped back in bed and stared up at the ceiling.

She needed some retail therapy. Having spent the last two months in the house, a little shopping and some fresh air sounded like a good idea.

"Maybe that'll help," she rationalized, detaching herself from the bed and heading back to her closet.

She quickly found an outfit and jumped in the shower.

Meanwhile, Joe engaged in a conversation with his mother during his drive to the barbershop.

"How are things going with you two?" Pat asked.

Joe blew out a frustrated sigh.

"Could be better."

"Well, have y'all talked about things anymore?"

"Somewhat, but we're still just kinda co-existing, and I'm not too thrilled about it."

"Joe, if you're not happy with the way things are going, then why don't you do something about it? You can't just co-exist in a marriage, if you wanna be happy."

"I know, Mom. I just don't think I can forgive her right now. Ya know?"

"Baby, listen to me. I know you're hurting. But she's hurting just as much. For one, a miscarriage is a difficult thing to deal with, especially since she's had one before. On top of that, I'm sure her guilt is eating her up and she's probably having a harder time forgiving herself. So, at this point, you can do one of two things. You can either forgive her and try to start rebuilding your marriage, or you can end it because it makes no sense for you to stay if you're unhappy."

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