Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Following the conclusion of their trip to Fiji, Val ultimately decided that a life on the road was no longer what she desired. After working long enough to get two new photographers trained on the basics of the job, she formally hung up her professional career with WWE. As much as she loved her career, she loved her children more, and being able to witness all of their "first-time" achievements among many other precious moments meant more to her than the bright lights and thrills of WWE. She wanted to be at home with her children and Joe took no issues with her decision.

On her last day, her co-workers and family members threw her an impromptu "retirement" party.

"So, this is really it, hunh?" Kelly said as she walked up to Val.

"Yep. This is it."

"And you sure there's nothing I can do to convince you to stay?"

Val shook her head and smiled.

"I'm a mother first. As much as I'll miss all of this," she said, looking at her surroundings, "I'm gonna love being a full-time mommy."

"I completely understand. We're gonna miss you though," Kelly said, hugging her.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too, Kelly," Val replied, returning her embrace.

"You know if I have anything to say about it, you always have a place in WWE."

"Thank you, Kelly. I really appreciate it."

"There's my girl!"

Val's attention turned to the entrance of catering at the sound of Colby's voice.

He'd just finished up the main event of tonight's show and still donned his post-match sheen of sweat. It took her back to the night of their "first date" back in 2015. Although they seemed to hit it off that night, Joe never left her mind for a moment. She smiled at the recollection of Colby shushing her when he was trying to count his dance steps.

"Looks like you're happy to see me," he said as he joined her and Kelly.

"I'm always happy to see you, Colby."

After saying a final "goodbye" to Val, Kelly dismissed herself, leaving the two friends to chat.

"I sure am gonna miss you, Val. You're the life of the backstage party."

"Well, I'm sure you guys'll find someone just as good as me."

"Not likely, pretty girl. You're one of a kind."

"How sweet. I think I'm gonna miss you and the Lunatic the most."

"You're still gonna come visit the shows every now and then, right?"

"Of course, I am."

The friends chatted a while longer until Joe and JG joined them.

"Are we giving out final goodbyes?" JG asked.

"It's never final, JG. I'll come back, but as a fan."

"As long as you're not a stranger," he said, wrapping her in a side embrace and giving her a squeeze.

"Are you ready to head to the room, Doll?" Joe asked.

"What? No drinks?" Colby chimed in with a bit of disappointment.

"Not likely, Lopez. This girl's had a long day."

"Come on, baby," Joe started, "just one-"

Val interrupted his plea with a light elbow jab to his side and then faked a yawn.

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