Plan: Foiled. Heart: Broken.

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Loki continued to walk hurriedly down the hall. He'd figured out how to do it. He'd formed a plan to try and confirm if Brunhilde had the same feelings he did. He'd first gone to the palace's jewel safe and picked a classy silver promise ring with a small diamond in the middle. This would not be the ring that they would use for the actual ceremony, however, Loki wanted something to give to Brunhilde that was not the crazy over the top one that she would be officially getting. He had just gotten word that her training room was ready, so his plan was to take her to it and "propose". Of course he wouldn't really be proposing. That implied a choice. But he would be telling her just a little bit about how he felt when he gave her the ring. That's what was most important to him. He was a bit nervous, but also looking forward to seeing her face when she was given the training room. He thought she had the prettiest smile.

He approached her door, which was slightly cracked, but not enough to see into the room. Loki straightened himself out and then knocked. No one answered. This puzzled him, but he supposed she could have gone off with Carol. He heard a small crash. He then opened the door. What he saw shook him to his core.

Brunhilde lay on the floor of her bedroom, her face bleeding. She had a large gash across her forehead. Her once flowing blue dress was ripped and discolored. Loki fell to the floor next to her. He felt his face getting hot. He held her up to him. She was heavy. Loki put his head to her heart. It was still beating, slowly though. Her chest rose and fell very shallowly. Loki's tears fell onto Brunhilde's skin. He did not know if they were tears of relief or terror. "Guards!" he called out. Two men came running in. "Go tell the nurses to be ready for this in a moment. They will need to be quick."

The guards' eyes were wide and they ran off to the infirmary. Loki clutched Brunhilde to his chest one more time. Her beautiful hair was encrusted with dried blood. Loki knew she must have been here for several minutes by herself. He picked her up quickly followed the guards out of her room and towards the infirmary. He pulled her head close to his. He kissed her bloodied forehead very very softly, knowing he may not be able to see her awake for a while. Then it dawned on him. He may not ever see her awake again. The thought made another tear fall from his cheek onto Brunhilde's. "Please don't leave me, Brun." he whispered so that only she could hear.

Nurses then rushed out to take her from him. Loki watched from the door as Brun was frantically treated for her wounds. Loki could not tear his eyes from the sight. He walked into the infirmary and stood in a dark corner. Loki felt something in his pocket. The ring box was heavy in his hands. He looked down to it, and then back to Brunhilde. Nurses running around her, eyes closed. He had been so close.

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