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"Are you ready, love?"

"Almost. Just a moment. Do you have the papers ready?" Brunhilde said as she frantically grabbed her purse.

"Yes. We should be good to go when we get there. They are not going to like that we are late."

"Well we couldn't bear to leave Monica before we absolutely had to could we?"

Monica smiled at them. "Thanks Auntie Brun. You should probably go though. I know you and Uncle Loki have a lot of meetings and things." Monica's voice was still a bit sad. Loki crouched down to look at her. "It's a lot more fun here with you, but don't worry. We'll be back next week. Okay?" He nudged her chin up and she giggled. Loki stood to see Carol and Maria standing behind them. Hugs were given and goodbyes were said as they were nearly every week. All five of them walked to the backyard where a now permanent pattern of singed grass was. Loki and Brunhilde went and stood in the center. They waved goodbye to their friends, and were transported back to Asgard. In a flash they were back in their Asgardian attire. Heimdall stood waiting for them.

"Your majesties. Glad to see you made it back. Your meeting is starting in ten minutes. Be quick."

"Thank you Heimdall. We shall be." Brunhilde said as she and Loki walked side by side up the shining rainbow bridge towards the palace. The two reached the large doors and the guards bowed their heads and kneeled. Slowly, the doors opened, the sound echoing through the throne room and large entry way. "Announcing, her majesty the queen, general of the Valkyrior, Brunhilde Odinson and his majesty, the king, Loki Odinson." bellowed the guard to the empty room. Brunhilde laughed. "Why is it that they announce us when no one is here?"

Loki chuckled as the pair walked into a side room from the throne room. The group sitting at the large table all turned their heads towards them at the sound of the door opening. "Apologies for the slight tardiness. We had a little trouble getting away. You've all seen pictures of our nice. You all know how adorable she is." Brunhilde said to the group as Loki and her took two seats at the front of the table. "No apology needed your majesties," said Kathika with a smile. "We were just discussing the dark elves of Svartalfheim." Brunhilde and Loki exchanged a glance. "What about them?" Loki inquired. Heimdall spoke next. "I can see a growing number of them conspiring against Asgard. They know that we are protecting Alfheim and that we stand in their way. There are talks of a battle."

"Well then we need to take down the groups that are conspiring against us. With haste as well. We cannot let this get out of hand." Loki said. His tone was grave, but Brunhilde knew he was speaking out of reason. She grabbed his hand under the table and looked up at him. "I understand that point, but that is not the best way to go about this. We know the dark elves. They are mighty in battle and we do not want to upset them. You all know I like battles as much as anyone, but even a small strike will anger the dark elves into a possible war."

Loki considered this. He knew she had a valid point, but how to fix this. "What shall we do your majesty?" asked Bronimir, the head of the Einherjar from his seat at the table. Loki looked at Brunhilde. She was looking at Loki with a stoic face. She almost looked amused, but not quite. Loki looked back to Bronimir. "We will set up a meeting. About a week from now should be enough time to prepare. We will have Bragi send a message to them and ask if they would be willing to meet with us. I will go along with Bronimir, Kathika, and Brunhilde. The three of you will come as protection in case things get out of hand."

Brunhilde smirked at his choice. She was proud of him. Kathika smiled. "Great. If that is all taken care of, I believe that this week's strategic meeting is adjourned. We will meet at the same time next week." she said. Everyone collected their things and started to disperse. Loki looked to Brunhilde who was still smiling over at him. He rolled his eyes. "I don't know why I let you keep me in check. It goes to your head much too fast." Brunhilde smiled. "You don't have any room to talk about being self centered." she laughed. Loki rolled his eyes once again but he couldn't hold back a laugh.


Brunhilde fell onto the couch out on Loki and her veranda with a glass of wine in her hand. Loki put her arm around her as they watched the orange sky become dark and dotted with shining stars. They did this once a week. Sort of their version of a date night. Taking in all of the beauty around one another. Brunhilde played with her wedding ring. The wind blew through Brun's hair. Loki brushed it from her face. His constantly cold hands always felt good on her skin.

"Can you believe that it's been nearly a year?" she said, breaking the silence. Loki smiled at her. "I had not even thought about it. It really has felt like nothing."

"You've been a great king, Loki. And a better husband."

"Thank you, darling."

They relished the silence once more, however, it was once again broken by Brunhilde. "Have you spoken with Thor recently?" Loki sighed. Not much. He lives with his friends in New York and I believe he is doing well. I think he has finally gotten over the grief of losing Father a bit." They were both quiet for a moment. "It was kind of you to console him after it all happened. Especially since it was so quickly after you became king." Brunhilde said softly. Loki just shrugged a bit. "Yeah well, as much as I hate him sometimes, he is still my brother. I felt obligated to help him through it."

"But you weren't. You just did. That was kind of you. You should recognize that." Brunhilde said with a laugh. "I'm not very good at accepting compliments if you haven't noticed." he responded. Brun huffed. Well there are certain acts of affection that will always suffice as a thank you." Loki put his drink down and kissed her. She smiled and wrapped her legs around him. Loki carried her to their room then put her down on their bed. He then sat beside her. They looked at each other seriously. "I love you, Brun."

"I love you too, Loki."

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