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Brunhilde stared at the mirror in the small room behind where she would enter the throne room to be married. She was terrified. She was not used to being scared of anything. She hadn't really had nerves before something in years. She felt fear. Fear that she wouldn't be able to do anything once she was married. Fear that everything was moving too fast. Fear that she couldn't be a good wife. Just having the title of wife scared her. It was something she never thought she'd have. Now, she'd have it in less than an hour.

"It's just nerves, Brun. You are going to be just fine. I see how you act around Loki. I think you'd feel much worse if this couldn't happen at this point. Right?" Carol said. Brunhilde nodded, her tight bun pulling at her scalp. Her heart was racing. She felt frozen. Her eyes started to well up. She turned around and raced to the couch in the corner of the room and then threw her robe on over her dress. She put her face in her hands and all of the other bridesmaids stopped what they had been doing to look at Brunhilde. They all looked around at each other. Carol sighed sympathetically and left the room. Kathika and Aphaea sat down with her. They put their hands on her arms trying to console her. "I'm alright guys. I just need a minute. I'm fine."

She then felt their hands leave her arms. She then heard a familiar voice say "No you are not." Brunhilde looked up to find Loki standing over her in his formal attire. He had his helmet on and he was looking at her very sadly. "Please don't pity me right now." Brunhilde said. Loki then took off his helmet and sat down next to her on the couch while all of the bridesmaids scattered to the other side of the room. He took her hand. "I'm not pitying you. However, I know that you are not alright. Would you like to leave?" he asked. "To where?"

"Anywhere but here."

"Odin would be furious. He'd hurt you, Loki."

"You think I care?" Loki smiled. He wiped a tear from her face. "All I care about right now is if you are alright. So, would you like to elope? Or even run away for a few hours and not get married at all?" he asked her. Brunhilde smiled at him. She leaned against him on the couch. He put his arm around her. "I love you, but if you aren't ready for this, I understand."

Brunhilde sighed and weighed her options. She looked up at Loki. She loved him so very much. He loved her so much he was willing to risk getting hurt to make her happy. She took a deep breath. It was not getting married to Loki that she was scared of. It was getting married that terrified her. She looked up at Loki again. "Will you be with me through this whole thing?"

"If you want me to be."

"Then I am ready." she sighed. Loki smiled at her. He kissed her on the head, then kneeled down on the floor so that he could look up at her. "You look absolutely beautiful, darling. I'll see you out there," he said as he turned to leave. Loki walked towards the door and on his way out gave her a small sly wink and an equally sly grin. Brunhilde chuckled. She then got up slowly and took the robe off. "Ladies," she said to her bridesmaids. "I'm ready, please put the finishing touches on." All of them smiled at her and moved forward to put on her veil and touch up her makeup. Carol came over to help with her veil. "Thank you," Brunhilde whispered to her. Carol smiled. "I know my best friend pretty well."

"Yes you do." Brunhilde responded.


Brunhilde stood outside the open doors of the throne room, all of her bridesmaids in front of her. Her hands were shaking like crazy. When she looked down at them, she realized she had not taken off the promise ring Loki had given her. "Carol!" she shouted in a whisper. Carol turned around and gasped. Brunhilde gave it to her. "I promise I won't lose it," she whispered back to her. Just then, the music started to play. Here we go. Brunhilde thought to herself. Her bridesmaids started to go forward in their line. Brunhilde moved forward with them until she reached the door and then paused for them to get ahead. There was an event coordinator standing beside her to tell her when to go. It felt like she waited there without anyone else for ages. She knew it was only seconds though. She heard the music change a bit and heard everyone in the hall stand. The coordinator gave her the signal to move. It was time.

Brunhilde turned the corner to see all of Asgard in the throne room staring at her. She felt on display. Almost like a doll. But then she looked to Loki. He was looking right at her with the softest smile on his face. He was clearly tearing up. It was contagious and Brunhilde started to as well. She smiled at him the whole way up. She looked at no one else, and neither did he. They knew that they were all that mattered. Brunhilde didn't care anymore. She knew that he didn't care about this whole show. He just cared about her. She thought she ought to do the same.

Brunhilde finally reached the altar. She handed her bouquet off to Carol and turned to face Loki. He was smiling like an idiot, but she knew that she was as well. Odin came forward from where he had been sitting to start the vows. Neither Brunhilde nor Loki was listening that much. They were just focused on each other. Then came their parts. "Do you, Prince Loki of Asgard, take Brunhilde to be your wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Brunhilde, take Loki to be your-"

"I do." she said in a way that made it clear to him that she meant it. He grinned at her. "Then I pronounce you man and wife," Odin said as Brunhilde put a golden band around Loki's finger and he placed a golden band with a huge emerald in it on hers. "You may kiss the bride."

They kissed of course. All of Asgard cheered. Loki put a hand up in the air and waved to everyone. He turned to her and kissed her once more. Brunhilde was blushing for perhaps the first time in her life. She looked out to the applauding crowd. She saw some of her Valkyrior teammates. Some old friends. Even her mother, whom she no longer spoke with. She looked astonished. Maybe even a bit proud. Loki and Brunhilde walked down the aisle hand in hand. Despite the constant clapping, the world was silent. Loki had found love. Brunhilde had found trust.

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