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It was the day before the wedding. Brunhilde admired the silver ring on her finger. She found it so silly of her to admire something she didn't ever think she'd want, but she kept coming back to it. "Arms up!" said the dress fitter firmly. Brunhilde brought her arms back to a T position. "You don't have to yell at her," said Carol from a couch next to her. "You look beautiful, Brun. Although, you do look horribly uncomfortable." Brunhilde gave Carol a side eye. "Really? I wonder what could have given it away. The fact that every single muscle in my body is tensed up and I can't breathe, or the fact that every five minutes I'm pricked in the side by a pin. By the way, thanks for that ma'am." Brunhilde said. The dress fitter gave her a nasty look as she poked another pin through the gargantuan dress.

Brunhilde could not believe that this was what she had wear tomorrow. The dress was a slightly champagne color that she did not think flattered her skin tone. The bodice was very structured, and had been closed so tight she could hardly breathe. It had many lace and crystal details all over it and had two long pieces of tulle flowing behind her shoulders. The dress was far more extravagant than anything she would have picked for her wedding. She did not feel herself in it. However, she'd been told that this was a traditional dress and although breaking tradition was one of Brunhilde's favorite things to do, she knew that she wasn't winning this one.

Just then, Brunhilde's door creaked. Everyone in the room looked towards it. Loki poked his head in through the door. "I don't mean to intrude. I know I am not supposed to be in here, but-" He trailed off momentarily when he saw Brunhilde. Brunhilde held Loki's gaze. He looked astonished. However, he quickly shook himself out of his trance and walked in holding a bundle of fabric. He set it down next to the dress fitter and she looked at it with a look of disgust. Loki then stepped towards Brunhilde. She was standing on a pedestal so she was a bit taller than Loki. He came up very close to her. "You look lovely," he said in a hushed tone. Brunhilde raised her eyebrow and chuckled just the slightest bit. "I'm glad I look that way because I certainly don't feel it," said Brunhilde. Loki grinned. "Shall we fix that?" he asked.

"What's this?" asked the dress fitter while she unrolled the fabric. "Brunhilde will be wearing a different dress." Loki responded. The dress fitter was clearly upset. "What?!"

"That is what she will wear. Odin's order of course." Loki said. He winked a very sly grin at Brunhilde. She smiled and shook her head. "I'll leave you to it then. Goodbye, darling." Loki said. He gave Brunhilde a peck on the cheek. Her skin buzzed where he had kissed. She smiled and nodded to let him go. He then turned and left. The dress fitter was left standing in the middle of the room, completely flummoxed by what she had just witnessed. "I quit!" she yelled. Then she stormed off and left Brunhilde standing on the pedestal with her mouth open. She looked at Carol. "Well now what are we supposed to do?"

Aphaea stood from where she had been sitting in the corner quitely sketching. "I can do the pinning." she said as she unfurled the dress. Brunhilde had not known Aphaea could sew, but she really needed a tailor. Aphaea held up the unfolded dress. It was absolutely stunning. The dress was also a champagne color, but it was much lighter. Closer to white. The sleeves of the dress were similar to things she wore around the palace. They were very long pieces of tulle that split at the top for her arms to come out of. The bodice of the dress had a silvery plated fabric all over it. It had a belt like wasteline and the silver fabric faded out right below it. It looked so...her.

"You know he stayed the whole time?" Carol said. "What?" asked Brunhilde, puzzled. Carol smiled. "While you were in a sort of coma, he never left for two days. Not once. He slept in the chair next to you. Every now and then, he would have someone bring him a book or some food, but that was all. He stayed the entire time. He really wanted to be there when you woke up. I was kinda surprised. I wasn't there because I was showering when you came to, but he wouldn't even do that. You have something special here, Brun." Carol said with a grin. Brunhilde's expression was very soft. She had known none of this. It filled her with joy, but also some kind of sadness and anger with herself. She'd never fallen for anyone, and she hated being out of control. SHe seemed to not be able to control her feelings. She wanted to love Loki, but didn't know how to be in control of her love for him. It just seemed to spiral in a hopeless intractable manner.

"Are you ready to put on the dress?" Aphaea asked. Brunhilde took a deep breath and nodded. Aphaea and Carol helped get Brunhilde out of her previous dress and into the new one. The new dress was exquisite and only needed a small adjustment at the waist. Brunhilde looked into the mirror. She saw a side of herself that she never thought she'd see. But she did see herself. Not some royal figure who was loyal and quiet. Herself. Beautiful and elegant. 

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