29. Defying the laws of the nature

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I looked at the clock that just hit six o'clock in the morning. One more hour and they'd let me go see her. They had said that she was going to be fine- She's gonna be fine, she is going to be fine. I kept repeating in my head.

I felt horrible- What if she had died? My last words to her would've been 'What do you want'. Not 'I love you' or anything else.

The anxiety started kicking in, what if the nurses just told me she was going to survive, so I wouldn't flip? What if they're lying, they got to be lying- She's dead in that room isn't she?

Out of curiosity I headed towards her hospital room from the waiting area. It was almost completely silent, the hospital was just waking up. I never liked hospitals, especially not when someone I love more than anything may be hurt. I reached the room 539, where Marygold was staying. I let out a relived breath when I heard the monitor gently beeping in the beat of her heart.

I turned away and started walking back to the waiting area, when I heard someone fiddle with the door and close it. I watched as a woman with really puffy black hair came out from Maries room. She was wearing a light pink silk nightgown that fit her perfectly. She looked about the same age as Marie, around the same height too.

"You don't look like a nurse do you?" I questioned her.

It looks like I scared her shitless as she looked frightened. "No, just a friend-"

"A friend?" I doubted her. "I have never seen you around-"

"How would you kno-" She scoffed, finally fully turning towards me. There was something so odly familiar about her, but with her black hair and bangs, she didn't look like anyone I knew.

"Ooooh- Right-" It looked like a lightbulb went on in her head, and it looked like she recognized me.

"Do I know you?" I tilted my head thinking hard.

"I don't know? Maybe?"

She had that same twinkel in her eyes and a witty smile played on her lips, just like Marie. There was something anoyingly familiar about her. She felt like someone I knew, but who I don't know anymore.

"You look alot like my girlfriend, the girl who's in that room."

"Oh do I?" She crossed her arms front of her chest.

"What were you doing there? Is she okay?" I demanded from her.

"She's fine. Gonna be in tip top shape in no time."

How does she know? She said she's not a nurse- Nor a doctor probably, that dress isn't really the thing you'd wear to work. She looked a bit like she had just rolled out of bed, hair sticking in all kinds of funny angles.

"But the doctors said the glass piece was so big that it's a miracle that she's even alive- They told it would atleast take a few months to heal!"

She didn't say anything, but she had an anoying smile on lips, like she knew something that I didn't. And it was driving me nuts. I hate when people act that way around me.

"What's your name?" I asked from the woman curious about her.

She looked at me like she was thinking if she should tell me her name or not. Untill she finally answered.

"Violette Szabo."

"I'm Freddie, Mercury. Szabo? That's a unique last name- Polish?"

"Oh trust me I know- And thank you I guess" She chuckled.

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