22. It's the Dreamers ball

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"Chirst- If Mary was such a influence for Freddie what's going to happen now?"

"Well something small is going to change- But not alot." Lovel stuttered.

"The heck do you mean not alot?! I'm no Mary Austin- Freddie doesn't love me!" I almost screamed in his face.

"No there's the thing!! If you'd just listen to me you would know!" He raised his voice too.

I was about to say something, but decided to shut my mouth and listen to Lovel. I can be quite stubborn sometimes, got that from Freddie.

"Thank you. So there's a reason why Freddie Mercury didn't fall in love with Mary Austin-"

"There's no reason or explanation to that!" I was almost in a verge of tears over this.

I get fustrated really easily, and my eyes start to water. I can't even hold them open for even 10 seconds without them getting really watery. So it looks like I'm crying.

"Freddie didn't fall in love with Mary, because he fell in love with you, you uterly beautifull idiot!" Lovel finally snapped.


"Sean sent you here because it looked like Mary and Freddie weren't becoming anything. He didn't have a clue what was happening, but he knew that Freddie not meeting, as the song says Love of his life, and going staright to men, would change the history dramatically. And that would have caused a time crack, which is very dangerous."

"He didn't fall for Mary, because even if he didn't know that, he was waiting for you." Lovel continued rubbing my back and soothing me. "In this universum, you're kinda like in the same position as Mary Austin was before. The same things wont happen, but you're the person in his life who gets him on his feet."

"But that's so selfish of me- I've taken everything away from Mary-"

"No it's not like that! This is a whole different universe! A whole different timeline! Marygold Melbourne, you are the love of his life, you are the girl no one can't replace!"

"How can you say that? How would you know? What if I'm just another Rosemary?"

I tried to progress all this information, wiping off the tears. Gosh I'm such a crybaby. Let's just blame it on that my eyes are watery, 'cause it's a fact.

I might ruin everything for Freddie! All the little things I have or will do, can affect his life and decisions. What if something happeds? Something really unexpected like I die in a car crash, Freddie gets deppressed and quits Queen? Not like that would ever happen, Queen means more to him then my poor life. I chuckled to myself.

I'm not, or ever will be, the love of his life- And I have to get that trough my skull.

"But wait, what did you ask about Mary being dead? Wait- Did someone mean to kill her 'cause she could effect the timeline badly?" I quizzed hopping on to the table top next to the sink.

"Yes. Wait, how did you know?"

"Well they were fucking trying to shoot me! I could've died if it weren't for Freddie! There's a scar in my arm cause of that! Looks like they were trying to kill Mary, but since it was dark they couldn't hecking tell the difference!" I was getting winded up again.

"Jesus- Jesus they're in trouble. They can't hurt civils- I'll have to tell boss about this-" Lovel sweared, getting his notepad from his pocket and scriblling some words to it.

"You guys have a boss?!" I exclaimed, actually shocked that someone manages this mess.

"Yes- No clue where he is, but yes, we have a boss who manages this mess." Lovel chuckled heading to leave the bathroom finally. "But things have gone too far, and Mary can't be killed anymore which is great."

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