41. Should we move to Japan?

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"Wow... Look at all those trees!"

"It's so beautiful here!"

We admired the dazzling park as we stepped in trough the gate. This was our first day in Japan, or well, we had a press conference yesterday when we came. Not very heavenly, since we had just merely bored from the plane before it, from an almost twelve hour long flight.

Speaking of our flight from America to Tokyo, was a total disaster, oh let me just tell you darlings. The most eventfull flight we have had during the tour. Some fun things that happened were: Marie passing out an hour into the flight due lack of hydration, everyone getting scared shitless over very, and when i say very, I mean it, very extreme turbulence. Minding that the turbulence lasted longer than an hour and we were all ready to die. Someone gave birth to f-cking triplets two rows behind us and a row ahed of us sat an eldery person needing  artifical respiration. On the positive side, the babies were born safely. Or well as safely as you can get in a plane. And the old man didn't die. Onnthe bright side of things is Marie's passing out. She is already quite terrified of planes and flying, if she had been awake, she probably wouldn't board on a plane ever again and would've gotten life long trauma. It was quite hilarious to be honest, as bad as that may sound. The plane is shaking like crazy, Marygold is lying unconcious on her seat as we tried to wake her up, a woman is screaming like horror and the flight atendants are trying to search for a doctor in the plane. And did I mention that the turbulence broke the radio down? 

You could write a book about that flight and it would make a novel.

But we're not on that God forsaken plane anymore, we're in a cherry blossom tree park with Marygold and John. A slightly less of a chance of dying here than it was on that flight. Safe to say we aren't flying on that company ever again, altough it wasn't properly their fault.

"Marygold did you drink your water?" John nagged, as he should. It's certainly not healthy to pass out for over eleven hours.

"Yes mom, yes I did." I smirked at Marygold rolling her eyes.

"I'm just worried for your health."

"There's nothing to worry about my health- I just forgot to drink water."

"I'm going to start making sure you drink enough water." John announced.

"You're practicing your fatherly skills on my Marie?"

We got to know few weeks ago that Veronica is pregnant! I think that's wonderfull. In the back of my mind, I've tought for a long time that John would indeed be the first one of us to get married and have kids. John has always been the kind to treasure family and home life, unlike Roger and I for example. John seems very exited and it spreads, so I feel happy and exited too. The baby is due to August, so there's more than three months still to go. 'The baby is due', how did I make it sound like an object?

"Have you tought of a name yet? For the baby I mean." I quizzed, as we waited for the family of ducks to cross the road.

"No, not yet really. And we're not naming them Fredrick."

He read my mind. "How rude darling! Fredrick would be the perfect name for your first born child. And if it is a girl, Freddina or Fredricka would do fine too."

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