Naruto: First world, start!

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Im in a dark void, everything is black. I cant move my arms... or legs... or anything for that matter. I cant speak.' I can think though, that counts.' I start to look around... wait, I cant, I dont have a neck. Im starting to wonder where the fuck I am. A blue screen appeared in front of me to answer my question...


1 second.


2 seconds




I died... I FUCKING DIED! How! What killed me! How did I... what... what happend... I... I remember...

I was playing with my friends in the street. Mezo kicked the ball to hard and it rolled unto the street. I went after it but my friends were telling... no... yelling at me to stop and come back. I didnt... . A car came by fast and I didnt see it. I picked up the ball... then everything went black...

I died... I really died. All because I wasn't paying attention to the road...

To go on, press continue...

Ok then, getting over the fact I died, what does this thing mean? I have no arms. Maby its thought activated.

Welcome to 'The Gamer!' version 1.6.0!


You have died and have bean chosen to reincarnate with the 'Gamer' power.


This is the tutorial were you will learn the basics of 'The Gamer'.

'Ok, so this is like that gamer manwa I've read.' If its like that then I already know whats up with this. Just to make sure I know whats up, I should

Please say or think 'Status'


This is the Status screen used in this vr.

??? = your name
The gamer = your title
0 = your level

0/1 = HP = health points
0/0 = MP = mana points

0/100 = EXP

STR = this is how strong you are and how much you can carry in the game
Eg. Decent str. can pick up a house

VIT = this determines how much HP and Stamina you have in the game
Eg. Decent vit. Can run 10 marathons without stop

DXT = determines how nimble and fast you are in the game
Eg. Decent dxt. Can dodge bullet

CHAR = determines how much people like you
Eg. 0 char. Any person including your parents would want to kill you if your char. was low enough (AKA 0). This would activate the mission
'Survival of the fittest'
At age 1 and wont deactivate till your char. is 100. This will carry on even in other worlds

INT = determines how smart you are and how much you remember in the game
Eg. Decent int. Can read 100 pgs in 30 sec

WIS = how wise you are in the game
Eg. Decent wis. Smart enough to not die

LUK = how lucky you are ( duh )
Eg. Decent luk. Get rare drp from weakest enemy

0 = stat points
0? = money

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