chapter 3: training

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Its been, what, a month since I made my declaration, I'm in my crib right now gettin comfy after this month of strain on mind, body and soul... and I have made massive progress...

Thanks to your unending will to stand the hell up, you have gained 10 STR! Walk already, I'm sick of watching you try

Thanks to constantly reading and doing equations you learn in college as an infant, you have gained 150 INT! Smart ass

Shogi does wonders apparently, you have gained 90 WIS!

Fliping coins is stupid, you have gained 50 LUK!

Apparently doing certain things to level certain stats gets new texts from the system.

STR: 15
VIT: 5
DEX: 8
INT: 170
WIS: 100
LUK: 55

I leveled my int hard including my wis and luk. INT made my magic attacks stronger so I did lots of stupidly difficult equations in my head and had found a old shogi set that me and my mom played together. She's slowly realizing I'm getting better and smarter and knows I will surpass her one day. One day. I found a 100 ryo coin and it added to my total amount of money in my status

100 ryo

I've been flipping it everyday, guessing which side it lands on. And I created a skill as well...

New skill created!

[Meditate]Lvl: 1 (active) 0%

Meditate and center yourself, become one with the world and its energy's

Regen 0.5 HP per 10 min
Regen 0.5 MP per 10 min

And I leveled observe to 19 by observing everything I saw as my mom took me to the park or to the market place. I found this perfect spot to buy weapons and armor when I'm older. We also went by the exit of Kumo once before and thanks to int, I'm able to remember where it is, so thats good.

But back to my new skill, Its pretty decent. Getting health back faster than regular is awesome.

Thanks to the 10 str the system gave me, I'm now able to walk, so at night, I usually just do some squats to strengthen my baby legs. And its working.

So, now its time to get persuade. How should I get it though... lets start with food. My mom feeds me regularly so I'm always fed, but now, its time to be a black hole...

Whitch I am thanks to Gamers body...

My mom is doing the dishes, we just had breakfast. Since I had no teeth, and I'm a baby, she breast fed me... and my god are they large... if I were a anime- wait I am... if I were still a teen, seeing that would have been a godsend. 'Las, one day those beaut's are gonna have to be destroyed...
That would be a sad day for men everywhere.


'Amen' are the thoughts of every man in the Elemental Nations

We're back

'Amen' I thought with every other man.

After our preech, I started up my plan.
I started to crall over to my mom and once reaching her I patted her legs till she looked down to me with a confused look. I pointed into my open mouth.

"Your still hungry? But we just ate?" My mom asks me confused. I start to puff out my cheeks and pout angrily. Its frickin adorable. "It'l take more than cute to phase me." She says to me while crossing her arms. I start to gloss over my eyes like I'm gonna cry. She sees this and looks at me sternly. "You wouldn't," She says and I go further to near bursting. She sees I'm not stopping. "You would..." and just before I burst, she breaks. "Alright! Alright, I'll feed you again." She says dejectedly as she picks me up. And the popup I wanted showed up with two unexpected guests...

New skill(s) created!

[Persuade]Lvl: 20 (active)
You cant resist me, nor my cuteness

[Acting]Lvl: 20 (active)
No one is YOUER than YOU, but you at better at being them than THEM

[Deceit]Lvl: 20 (active)
Lie to god and not even he would realise

If I max these, no one would be able to tell if I'm lieing or faking something... gotta grind these. Back to why I got these thou, if I level persuade to 50, my mom might let me go out myself... that must be one of the hidden objectives! And the other must have to do with sneaking... shit I need to learn sneak...

5 days later me and my mom went to the park and played hide and seek. At first she found me easy, but after doing a few more days of this and training my other new skills, I got the skill I wanted, and it was leveled!

New skill created!

[Sneak]Lvl: 42 (active)
Run, Run, RUN and hide, light shall not find me this day!

I think I have everything I'm gonna need for this quest. But to be safe.


[Gamers Mind]Lvl: MAX (passive)
[Gamers Body]Lvl: MAX (passive)
[Observe]Lvl: 23 (active)
[Meditate]Lvl: 55 (active)
[Persuade]Lvl: 51 (passive)
[Acting]Lvl: 43 (active)
[Deceit]Lvl: 62 (active)
[Sneak]Lvl: 60 (active)

'Ok, now to check the qu- wait, I cant check quests. I was never shown how, or it doesn't exist. 'Quest log?'
Nope, doesn't exist. But I know I'm ready. Tomorrow is the day to finish my first quest.' As I finish, my mom places me in my crib and says goodnight to me. As the lights go out, I'm fast asleep.

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