chapter 5: past 7, last 3

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My eyes shot open and I immediately sat up. 'What... what happend?' I thought to myself as I started to look around, getting back memories of last night. 'Oh yeah, I had gone into the zombie ID and fought that risen... I won but, I blacked out before the game could tell me anything.' I looked around the area and saw I was in the park. 'So my theory was correct.' I thought to myself. To re-test my theory, I entered an empty ID and moved away from where I woke. After I got a distance away, I exited and saw I had moved. 'I was right then, but I should check what I got from defeating the ID.' I thought and pulled up my notifications and... wow. I got 40 lvls...? Hell yes! Now I'm a step closer to defeating mom! But... this quest though... that xp... those objectives... it'll be kinda hard if I'm a Kumo nin, but do-able. Ill check out the items in what, 7 months? Yeah, thats good. 'Its time to go home, Its probably 5:30 and mom wakes up at 6:15 everyday, I'll keep the points for now.' I took out my lucky hundred ryo and started on my way home. The next couple months are gonna be eventful.

And they were. The past seven months had lots happening. I'll start at the beginning.

Month 1: I've been going to the park a lot during this month and it payed off. I had gotten 100 in str and vit. I started to train my DEX too and even combined it with INT training. got 25 INT and 60 DEX while getting 50 WIS for the idea. During this month, my mom took me out more and we would visit lots of places, even if one of those places was the market place, I had only ever gone there once before.

Month 2: here I had done some other kinds of training by adding luk training to my physi/mental training. It worked wonders obviously and and I got 55 luk for it, 10 INT and 20 VIT, DEX and STR. My time with mom got even more frequent and I'm not realy complaining. I never spent much time with my mom and I guess she just realised. Now she would take me with her to the market more to buy things for me like clothes and toys 'cause I had none before hand.

Month 3: I... had a growth spurt, and I am now the size of a five year old. I dont think you gain five inches in one night thou. I know its probably the gamer power but still. My moms hella confused face was great to see thou. After that I had finally shown my mom I could walk. She was gobsmacked twice in one month and I loved both faces of utter confusion. Not much to say about training thou, I just did the routine I created the month before and its still working but points are getting tough, only got 50 in each I was training, and I was going as hard as possible on myself!

Month 4: I've been training alot in this month and its been working very well. I leveled up 20 times and distributed my points for that and the ones for the first zombie ID...

Kira Hyugo
David and Goliath
Lvl: 67

HP: 283 (regen 18 per 1/2 hr)
MP: 601 (regen 40 per 1/4 hr)
CP: 601 (regen 40 per 1/4 hr)

EXP: 1200/6700

STR: 315
VIT: 210
DEX: 180
INT: 260
WIS: 215
LUK: 255

0: SP
10,550,000 RYO

Status: none

Good with what I did, I went on home to take a nap.

Month 5: this month I only looked at my skills because all the months before this was nothin' but my stats. These are the improvements I had made to skills...

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