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Sorry to any who thought this was a new chapter but, this isn't. I am going to be on hiatus till school gets back in, why? Because a pic I need is in the school and I'm too much of a lazy person to redraw it.

I'm also using this time to plan out the stories I'm writing, which are the only two stories I have published, because believe it or not, so far in hopping gamer, I've been pulling the story out of my ass as I wrote it so now I want to see what would happen if I actually planned it.

Thats really all that needed to be said for now and any new developments will be seen as edits to this notice, also, make sure to read my second story, A Nin to Phase and Freeze, and give feedback on anything that I might need to fix, make sure to vote too!

/Edit/: Ok, I can't be like this, it's time to update. Expect one in the next week. Bye!

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