chapter 7: A fateful fight, a demon and some nin... what could go wrong?

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1000+ reads! 1000+! Thank you guys for your support of my fic, I actually never thought that my story would be so liked, so thank you.

After seeing how many people read the story, I thought it was high time I did this chapter, so, enjoy!

My mom roars in rage to match her angry red eye's. "It's finally come you piece shit!" She yells at me as she made the ram sign and went up in smoke. When she reappeared, she was wearing her full jonin gear, two big ass kunai-sword things on her back, she proceeded to unsheath them. Her white hair was tied into a bun and she wore the Kumo headband with pride. 'This is actually the first time I've seen my mom with her gear. Observe.'

Kikyo Hyugo
Ex-Kumo Jonin
Lvl: 450

HP: 250,000,000
CP: 100,000,000

STR: 100,000
VIT: 100,000
DEX: 100,000
CHAR: 50,000
INT: 50,000
WIS: 200,000

'The fuck? Why is she level 450? Last I checked, it was 198... probably the game trying to give me a challenge I bet.' I thought to myself as I got ready.


'We may be near each others levels, but she has way more experience in battle than me, she's stronger by default.' I pulled out my kamas. She saw this and got ready for my attack. 'I'm no dumbass.' I activated swift release and jetted forward, clashing with my mom as I reached her.

-45,000 damage
-45,000 damage


We separated and charged each other again, clashing and jumping back and clashing again. I was doing chip damage of 45K each and with my luck giving crits of 55K here and there.

45,000×30=1,350,000 damage!
55,000×15= 825,000 damage!


'This is getting boring, its just rinse and repeat, I can predict anything she do-' I didnt get to finish as my mom nicked me on my side while in my musings.

-1200 HP

HP: 5,630,152/5,631,352

'Wait, shouldn't my undershirt have nagated the damage?'

It said piercing, not slashing, dumbass

'Damn, well not all fights can be easy I guess.' I muse. I got ready again and launched forward, slashing over and over as many times as I could. I jumped back. 'Fighting up close is stupid, she has more training than me, and the only jutsu I know is summoning because of the episode were Naruto did it.' My mom jumped back as well and went into a flurrie of hand signs. "Suiton: Suriyūdan no jutsu!" Water rose from the river next to us and formed a dragon shape as it flew right for me and I couldn't dodge.

-9,500 HP

5,621,852/5,631,352 HP

'That stung a little, why didn't that hurt like a bitch?'


'It said blunt damage.' I returned.

Did it hit like a hammer?

'Yeah, bu-.'

Then its blunt.

'Arent I suppose to get chakra resistance and mana resistance?' I enquire back.

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