chapter 2: settling in

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Its been 10 days and me and my mom are finally leaving the hospital. I cant believe that even when your a baby, they give shotty food. Back to topic.
We're leaving!

I can barely see for shit right now thou because I'm in a baby basket. I can see that my mom is talking to the doctor, but I dont care enough to listen.

We're leaving now. My mom's turning around and starting to go for the door.

I'm nearly out of this hole in the wall. She's walking, she's walking, she's walking, annnnnnnnnd...

Im out and, oh my god...

It's as beautiful and awesome as I've ever imagined...

Infront of me was the beauty known as Kumo. Ther were mountains everywhere with houses built into the side's and other places that go into the mountain's. The mountains themselves were breath taking. They were so tall, so tall that they go through The clouds! Its amazing looking. There were people walking around and ninja and sometimes genin teams were leaping from here to there. The air was so clean, and the people were so happy... I love it here already. I must have vocalized this because my mom looked down at me.

"Its beautiful, isn't it," She says to me and I have to agree. "know that this is your home, that your lucky enough to be born here." She says softly to me. "Now, its time for you to see your new home. It will only take 10-15 minutes to get there." She says to me as she starts walking.

'Ten minutes? Good. I should be able to create one awsome skill before we arrive.' I think to myself. I start to look around and lay my eyes on someone walking infront of us. 'Time to get to work.' I start to look at the person infront of me with mad concentration. 'A little longer... aaaand.' After a few more seconds, I got what I wanted.

New skill created!
[Observe]Lvl: 1 (active) 0%
Arguably one of the most useful skills you can get. Allows user to see information of target

Amaki suna
Lvl: 12

Okay, got what I needed. Now, to start to observe everyone.

13 minutes later, me and my mom are home and I was able to level observe to 5. Looking at the apartment infront of me, I can already see were this is going, it looks decent, three story's and clean with no graffiti, but this place on my first b-day, will be my battle ground. We went up the steps out front and went to room 11 on the third floor to the far left. My mom pulled out a key and unlocked the door.

When it opened, I could see that the house was neatly kept and very clean. I could see to the side there was a bed and a crib next to it. Where I'll sleep. Infront of me, a kitchen I could see. And to my right, a living room. All in all, this place is spacious. A good place to fight. Have I observed mom yet? No. Not at all. 'Observe'

Kikyo Hyugo
Lvl: 198

... ... ... ...



The strongest person I saw while comin' here was lvl 16! But I did scan a passing jonin... he was level 186... my mom and him exchanged nods... did my mom know him... ? Was my mom a jonin... ? I have to fight her at one years old... I've got to train everytnight, without stop.
Also thank you gamers mind for keeping me calm.

"This is your new home, so get comfy in your crib, Im going to go make somethin' to eat." My mom says to me. She lays me down in my crib and walks of. 'Okay, this'll give me enough time to make a plan to defeat her...
I got nothin, all I can think of is to train but ho-'

New quest created!

{Sneak to next realm!}

You need to train but as long as your mom sees you, your scrood.

Objective: Get away from your ex-jonin mom
Objective 2: learn 'Persuade'
Hidden Objective: ?, ?

Rewards: 100EXP ( 500EXP for every H.O. ), 2 SP, Skill book: ID Create, Skill book: ID Escape


'Y, duh'

Have I checked my stats yet?

Kira Hyugo
Thae Gamer
Lvl: 1

5/5 HP (Regen 0.5 per 5hour)
5/5 MP (Regen 0.5 per 5hour)

EXP: 0/100

STR: 4
VIT: 5
DEX: 8
INT: 10
WIS: 5
LUK: 5

0: SP
0 ryo

Status: none.

'If I get both HO's, I'll get 1100XP meaning, if the amount of exp adds 100 every lvl to lvl, I'll be lvl4 by the end.' I deduced.

For thinking something through, you gain 5 WIS!
For doing realy difficult math for your age, you gain 10 INT!

STR: 4
VIT: 5
DEX: 8
INT: 20
WIS: 10
LUK: 5

That is a lot of int...whatever.
'Okay, now its time to learn to walk. 4 strength, dont fail me now.' After my little pep talk, for the next 15 days, after eating lots, I would try to stand or crawl when my mom wasn't  looking. I failed lots, obvi', but I got close on day 13, because of this...

For constantly trying to stang at 13 days old, you have gained 1STR!

And thanks to this, its been getting easier, but I'm not standin' yet, so with this in mind, its time to train anything I can!


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