chapter one

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waking up felt like such a tedious task. even the nervousness of going to a new school didn't usually phase him anymore. he looked at his phone and noticed how it was already 7:50. class started at 8, and he was going to be late. though it didn't matter to travis, he was a three minute walk from his new high school. getting out of bed, he did what he needed to do, and started his walk to school without grabbing breakfast.

once he reached the gates of his new school, he took his backpack off and clutched it close to his chest. he was realizing he didn't want new friends, to go to a new school, or get made fun of by new people. he looked at his schedule for his first class, then began searching for room 312, walking into the large building, putting his hood up, and keeping his head low. a few people walked into him, but he just said sorry and kept walking, there was no point in stopping when class started in two minutes and he still had no idea where he was going.

once he had found the room, he pulled out his phone and checked the time. 7:59, he was right on time. he walked into the room and walked over to the teacher at her desk. "where should i sit?" the curly-haired boy whispered to his new teacher.

"give me one minute to introduce you, then ill let you know," she smiled back at him. she was young and kind of pretty. glasses, a small figure, and medium length blonde hair. he nodded his head, standing by her desk awkwardly. the bell rang and the teacher began to introduce the new boy, when another kid walked in, not bothered by the teacher yelling that he's late.

"cooper! how many times have i told you that you can't just come in late every day?"

he rolled his eyes at her and sat in the back left corner.

"well everyone, good morning. id like to introduce our new student travis locke. i expect you all to treat him with respect. travis, could you please go sit in the empty seat next to cooper?" she pointed to the blonde kid with wavy hair who had walked in late.

travis nodded and glanced at the boy before making his way over to the seat next to him.

he looks good

no travis, you're new here. just sit down and stay quiet.

the blonde boy looked at travis, and travis examined him from under his hood. he seemed average height, with golden brown eyes, travis' favorite. he had a nice build, with tanned arms, and an orange bucket hat. travis unscrunched his hood, and looked the wavy blonde-haired boy in the eyes, darting his eyes away when he felt they'd been looking at each other long enough for it to get awkward.

the teacher had begun her lesson, chemistry, but travis didn't know when. a boy in front of travis turned around and waved. "hi, i'm noah! i heard you're travis, and it's nice to meet you!" he gave travis a large smile. travis waved back.

"hi, it's nice to meet you, noah," travis whispered, being careful not to disturb the teacher.

he turned around and travis took out his sketchbook, beginning to draw noah, not being able to think of anything else to draw.


the teacher yelling at him didn't bother cooper anymore. he was late almost every day. the only thing that made the day seem not as boring was the new kid next to him.

the kid was awfully quiet. too quiet to be in this hell of a school. he looked at the curly-haired boy and he pretended not to notice him examining cooper closely from under his hood. they finally made eye contact and travis looked away after it might've gotten awkward. his eyes were a deep brown, cooper noticed, and he had dark brown curls underneath the hood he was hiding beneath.

then noah turned to talk to him and travis whispered back. when noah turned around, the smaller boy took out a sketchbook and began to draw. cooper didn't want to be too rude or seem like he was eavesdropping, but he watched travis draw. his art was amazing, with it looking almost exactly like noah while only getting one good look at the kid. travis seemed to notice him though, and he turned to look at cooper.

"uh hi, im travis," he said softly.

"im cooper, sorry for running in during your introduction," he chuckled nervously. this boy seemed so bubbly, it's just a little weird starting at a new school.

"it's fine." he gave a soft smile. it was a cute little smile, and it made him warm inside. he wanted to befriend the boy, to make sure he had as good a time as possible at this school.

"hey, what class do you have next period?" cooper asked, hoping he said math.

he looked at his schedule, "i got math, what about you?" he began to talk a little louder than before, possibly getting a bit more comfortable.

"hey me too! i can show you the way and you could sit next to me and mason. he can be a bit of a dick sometimes, but he's usually joking around."

the boy nodded vigorously in response.

"oh and you might wanna pull your hood down, mr check might give you detention."

he shrugged and pulled his hood further over his head if at all possible.

"cooper please move up here," the teacher pointed to a desk right in front of her. "or you can stay there and get a detention."

he stayed where he was.

"detention it is."

travis looked at him and cooper replied "it's okay i don't have football today."

the bell rang and cooper and travis got up, cooper leading the new boy towards the math room. they got there early and cooper sat down, motioning for travis to sit next to him. then a kid with a buzz cut walked in and sat next to cooper on his other side.


the boy that sat next to cooper looked a bit silly. he had a buzz cut and he was very lanky. he assumed it was mason because cooper told him that he would be sitting with them, and he was right.

"mason, this is travis. travis, this is mason," cooper introduced them to one another.

"this dude looks like a fag, cooper," mason joked. "its nice to meet ya, travis," he held out his hand for travis to shake. travis looked at the kid's hand and took it, trying not to show his emotions. he shook mason's hand and then looked at cooper, then up at the front. he raised his hand and the teacher called on him.

"yes, mr- sorry, what's your name?"

travis walked up to the front where the teacher stood. "sorry, sir. i don't like talking loud. im travis locke."

"it's okay. please take off your hood or ill have to give you detention." travis didn't listen, his ears were ringing.

"can i please go to the bathroom?" he asked, ignoring the teachers hood request.

"yes, make it quick. also you've earned a detention for that hood." travis shrugged it off and made his way to the bathroom, wandering around searching for it. when he finally found it, he stumbled into one of the stalls and let the tears roll down his cheeks. he hating being called a fag, like any other kid would, but the word has such a deeper meaning to him. his father had called him that when he came out to him. his mother had tried to protect him and his father had beaten them both for it. he then kicked them out of the house, hence why he's now at this school. he knew the boy was joking, but it still hit travis hard.

the brown-haired boy pulled out his phone and looked at the time, realizing it had already been ten minutes. he heard footsteps and someone call out his name, and he immediately realized it was cooper.

"trav are you okay?" he called, worriedly.

trav? his mom used to call him that when he was younger. he never let anyone else call him that, but it sounded natural for cooper to say.

first chapter done! woohoo:) make sure you leave any feedback and ill try to make the story better:) ill also try to upload every few days:)
1400+ words

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