chapter thirteen

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cooper woke up on friday with no will to get out of bed. he was still so angry at cameron for what he did to travis, even though it earned him a kiss from the brunette. he thought back to that moment. the smaller boy's rosy cheeks after cooper stepped back, the warmth cooper felt being that close to the boy.

but also the butterflies he felt fluttering around in his stomach when he kissed the boy.

cooper had felt like he was on cloud nine.

but he still wondered if they were talking, or dating, or it was just a spur of the moment thing and travis only liked him as a friend.

cooper got out of bed and stepped into his bathroom, turning the water on and getting undressed. he stepped into the shower and exhaled, his muscles relaxing as the warm water washed over them.

after the blonde boy was finished, he stepped out, putting on a simple white tee and some black pants, not forgetting his bucket hat on his way out the door.

once cooper reached the gates of the school, he searched for the curly-haired boy he loved so much. he grabbed his shit quickly and headed over to travis' locker, where the boy luckily was. he was bent over with his head in his locker seemingly searching for something inside his backpack.

he put his empty hand on the small of the other boy's back which startled him, causing him to look for who touched him.

travis' cheeks flushed a light pink once he saw it was the blonde, "oh, hi coopie."

he smiled at the boy as cooper led him to class, shoving his empty hand into his pocket, "hey, cutie," he winked at travis.

he giggled his cute little laugh, "oh stop it."

they reached chemistry and both took their seats, sliding them closer to each other like usual.


travis turned his head to look at cooper. he examined the boy's facial structure and determined that the blonde was the prettiest person travis had ever seen. he had defined cheekbones, a strong jawline, travis could go on forever.

before travis knew it, it was lunch and he was making his way to the cafeteria laughing with schlatt, nico, and ryan (krinios) who had found them. he found cooper and ran over to him, "hi coopie!"

cooper turned, a smile plastered on his face, "hi trav!"

they got their lunch and sat down, cooper persuading travis to sit in the middle of the table.

"only if you sit on one side and connor sits on the other. my two favorite people here!"

"alrighty," cooper sat down on travis' right and connor on his left.

everyone talked and laughed, saying the most random shit. joko had some milk come out of his nose, and john and jaren pretended they were married and anthony was their son.

it was now time to go home and travis was walking home. cooper had football today, so travis told him to come by his house for dinner. he was nervous for cooper to meet his mom. it wasn't like he thought cooper would mess up in any way, only like he'd never have a love interest meet his mom before.

travis was now sitting on his couch tapping his foot nervously, waiting for cooper to arrive. he told travis he had to run home first to shower and get changed, then he'd be over. his mom was almost done making salmon and asparagus (don't come for me it's good). "trav, could you set the table for me?"

travis got up and grabbed everything he needed, "yeah." he set the table nicely, his mom would be sitting across from him and cooper. he put all the silverware neatly on the napkins. his mom finished cooking and she placed everything in the oven so it didn't get cold.

she walked over to travis and gave him a quick hug and forehead kiss, "don't worry about it. i like him and i've never even met him. whatever he does, i won't not like him."

travis nodded and then the doorbell rang. he ran over to the long mirror by the door and looked at himself.

alright i look presentable.

he opened the door and was greeted with a cooper holding red roses. he smiled and held them out for travis to take, "hi trav!"

travis blushed and took the flowers, signaling for cooper to come in, "hi, coopie. come in," he looked great. dark blue jeans with a light blue button up. cooper stepped in and travis closed the door.


cooper gave the smaller boy a side hug, "you have a nice house."

they continued through the house into the kitchen, where travis' mom stood. she held out her hand and cooper took it, giving her a firm hand shake.

"and you must be cooper," she let go of his hand and gave him a large smile.

he nodded, "how are you, ms locke?"

she walked over to the oven and took the food out, placing it on the stove, "i'm good, baby, how are you?"

"i'm good, thanks," cooper looked at travis, "where should i sit?"

"one of the two seats next to each other, the side doesn't matter," travis squeezed cooper's hand with his free one.

cooper watched as the smaller boy walked to the kitchen, grabbing an empty vase and filling it with water. he took the plastic off the rose bunch and gently placed them inside the vase, then going to throw the plastic away.

he looked so pretty. he was wearing some jeans and a black collared shirt. he didnt do anything with his hair and that was just the way cooper liked it.

travis' mom came over and took cooper's plate, then brought it back with salmon and asparagus on it. "are you sure you don't need any help?"

"yup," they both responded at the same time.

so cooper watched them work. his mom got the food and travis took all the glasses, "coopie what do you want to drink?"

"well what do you have?"

"orange juice, apple juice," he peered around, looking for things to drink, "milk, cranberry juice, arizona green tea, and water."

"green tea please!" it was his favorite. he even had arizona tea slides. he watched as travis filled all three glasses with tea and brought them all to the table, placing them where he had gotten them from.

once everyone was settled down in their seat, they began to eat.

travis' mom swallowed a bit of salmon, "so how did you two meet?"

cooper looked at travis signaling for him to tell the story.

"well," travis giggled, "he walked in late and the teacher started yelling at him," his mom looked at cooper. "he isn't late every day, it was a one time thing," she nodded and smiled. "but the teacher told me to sit next to him," he shrugged, "and i liked his vibe," he smiled and looked at cooper who just smiled back.

"awe that's lovely!"

they finished their dinner, conversing, laughing, and telling stories. travis took all the plates to the sink and cooper took all of the glasses.

travis mom looked at her watch, "oh it's 7:30. i'll be back in about an hour, hour and a half
i've gotta run some errands," she winked at cooper where travis couldn't see.

cooper's face went red and both boys waved to her as she walked out the door.

his mom was super cool.

he knew why she actually left.

cooper smiled to himself.

boom. chapter. just a cute little one:) i hope you enjoyed reading! leave a comment if you want and make sure you vote if you liked the chapter:) make sure you say good morning to sam. mwah
1300+ words

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