chapter five

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after the boys were done skating, cooper propped his skateboard up against his backpack 15 feet away from him. he then came back to where travis was and laid down next to the boy. travis ended up laying back as well, looking up at the sky. cooper closed his eyes and listened to the subtle whistle of the wind and the birds singing.

"cooper?" travis looked over at the blonde-haired boy.

"what's up, trav?"

"even though we only met today, it feels like i've known you forever."

"maybe we have known each other for a while."

travis turned his head to look back up at the sky, not giving cooper a response, thinking.

"we probably have," travis finally thought of something to say.

cooper sat up, "wanna head back to my house? my mom's making dinner."

travis sat up and shifted nervously, "sure!" he stood up and stretched, grabbing his backpack that sat right next to cooper's. cooper followed suit, grabbing his backpack as well.

cooper put his board down and got on, skating slowly to keep pace with the curly-haired boy next to him. they talked about random shit like "what's your favorite color?" and "where's your favorite place to go out to eat?" before they knew it, they had arrived at cooper's house.


travis looked at cooper's house in awe. it was a gorgeous 2 story house. it was beige with white shutters and a white door. it looked so very modern yet also warm and cozy at the same time. cooper didn't realize that travis had stopped and was staring at his house for a minute, so he was almost at the door when he realized travis wasn't next to him. cooper turned around and looked at travis, who shook himself out of his trance and looked back at cooper, "cooper is this your house?"

cooper rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah," he gave an awkward little chuckle. one of the little things that made him who he was.

"it's so nice!"

cooper grinned awkwardly, "thanks, let's go inside," cooper opened the door. the first thing you saw inside was a large white sofa, clean as can be, and a set of stairs off to the right. cooper led travis down the hallway into the large living room, where a flat screen tv sat on the wall. travis turned around saw a woman sitting at the island in the center of the kitchen, her phone in one hand, and a glass of red wine in the other. typical suburban mom it seemed. "mom i'm home," cooper put his backpack by the couch. "this is my friend travis, we were out skating earlier, and i asked him if he wanted to come here for a bit, is that okay?"

his mom put the glass and her phone down and stood up, "yeah honey," she got up and hugged cooper. she then looked over at the other boy who shifted awkwardly where he stood, unsure of what to say to his puppy crush's mother.

after a second he snapped out of it and held his hand out for her to shake, "hi mrs-"

"call me rosey, darling," she smiled at him showing off her extremely white teeth. travis nodded and stepped back towards cooper.

"we're gonna be up in my room, mom. knock if you need anything," cooper started to walk towards the front of the house where the stairs were.

"alright honey, love you."

"love you, mom."

travis waved to the woman and began his walk over to cooper where he was waiting on the lowest step for the other boy to reach him. after he reached cooper, they hopped up the stairs and cooper led them both into his clean room. he shut the door behind travis and laid down on the bed, motioning for travis to come sit next to him. travis obliged and took off his shoes, not wanting to get cooper's bed dirty when it looked perfect now.

"cooper do you make your bed every morning?"

"only on school mornings or my mom gets mad," he chuckled. "wanna play some mario kart?"

travis smirked, "you bet."

cooper turned on the switch and his tv, handing travis a pro controller and keeping one for himself. travis took it from him, "thanks coop."

cooper nodded and sat down next to travis on cooper's bed. they both chose their characters and their karts, travis as bowser and cooper as baby mario. cooper let travis choose the cup, and they both anticipated the start of the race.





both boys got the boost they needed if they wanted to make it to first. cooper got to first rather quickly and travis wasn't far behind in third, almost second.

"coopie i hate you!" travis started to laugh as cooper passed the finish line, travis only a second behind. "i can't believe you beat me by only a second!"

cooper chuckled and punched travis lightly in the shoulder, "you just suck at mario kart, loser!"

travis pouted jokingly, "i rarely play this game! i don't have a switch!"

cooper jokingly poured back, "and i only use my switch when i have friends over!" he laid back on his bed, travis still sitting upright.

cooper's phone made a ding noise and he picked it up swiftly. he began mumbling to himself, seemingly reading a text message.
'party' and 'friday' were the main two things travis heard cooper say.

"hey trav, cam said he and eric are throwing a party on friday night. they invited the both of us, wanna come with?" cooper looked at trav, waiting for a response.

travis looked at the taller boy laying down, imagining his smile if travis agreed, although he didn't really want to go. parties and lots of people weren't really his thing to be quite frank. he preferred to be with one or two people at a time, it was the perfect amount. not too loud, not too quiet.

"uhm," travis began to get nervous.

"hey, it's okay trav, it'll be fun! ill be with you, and the others like connor, schlatt, noah, ted, and also madi," he grinned, hoping that made travis feel better about going.

do i wanna be with people i barely know (but like), and also cooper? or stay home alone and do nothing?

hey y'all! thanks for 100+ reads! it means a lot to me:) leave a comment and make sure you vote if you like the chapter:)
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