chapter four

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on their way to cooper's house, the boys passed a vans skate park and cooper decided the smooth ground was a good place to teach travis how to skate. sure, there were a lot of ramps and other things to grind on, but they didn't need to use them just yet. there also weren't many people yet due to the afternoon sun beating down on the dry state of california, so travis wouldn't be embarrassed if he fell. cooper led travis to a flat part at the bottom of a ramp and placed his board on the ground. he grabbed a pair of elbow pads and a pair of knee pads and handed them to travis, "sorry trav, i normally don't bring my helmet, but we won't be doing anything serious today, so you probably won't need it."


travis took the sets of protection pads and sat down on the warm ground, not wanting to take off his hoodie, but needing to. he felt safe in his hoodie, yet also safe with cooper. but safer with his hoodie. his hoodie couldn't hurt him like people could. he decided to wear shorts today, so he was lucky, he would've been so hot in pants.

"you should take off your hoodie, trav," cooper smiled down at the other boy. "you'd look good without it."

travis felt his face heat up but decided to ignore it. he took his arms out of the hoodie's sleeves, and slipped it over his head, missing its embrace but receiving a new one from the warm sun. he grabbed his backpack and unzipped it, shoving his old friend inside as he made a new one. he slipped on the knee pads, then the elbow pads, adjusting them as needed. he then stood up and looked at cooper as a sign that he was ready to start.

"so first we gotta get you steady on the board," he stepped on the board sideways with his right foot towards the top and his left towards the back. he bent his knees slightly, like he was used to. "this position gets you ready for tricks," he did a small ollie, landing nicely on the ground. travis clapped and began to realize how eager he was to learn. it seemed so natural for cooper, but he'd been skating for years. "this position is also good for turning while cruising, but i don't have a board with me that's specifically for cruising. he leaned back and forth to show travis how to turn. cooper turned so he was facing the front of the board. travis examined his position and saw his right foot was pointed forward and his left foot was still pointed sideways. "this position is also for cruising," he proceeded to take his back foot off the board and push himself forward with it, putting it back in its sideways position after.

he stepped off and motioned for travis to step on, "it's okay trav, i'm here if you need help," he smiled that cute ass smile. travis stepped onto the board sideways first to practice turning. he leaned back, holding his hands out by his side for balance. he started to tip backwards but cooper was there. he grabbed travis' hand and put the other on his back to prevent his fall.

travis felt a pink blush bloom across his cheeks but ignored it again so it didn't seem like a blush. cooper looked at him, luckily oblivious. "you okay trav?" he questioned.

travis let a breath out he didn't know he was holding in. "i'm good, coop." he proceeded to practice his back and forth rocking with cooper's hand in his until he felt comfortable without it. he let go of cooper's hand and practiced a bit more until he was comfortable doing it by himself.

"you wanna practice rolling now?" cooper looked proud of his student. travis nodded and turned on the board, placing his feet how he remembered cooper having them. "you're right handed, right trav?"


"is this way comfortable for you?"

"yup, i'm good coop," he grinned at the blonde boy.

travis took his back foot off and pushed off using the ground. he held his hands out for balance and cooper followed him and took it. he used travis' hand to pull him forward to keep him moving. travis giggled and cooper smiled at the curly-haired boy. "are you having fun trav?" travis nodded his head. he came up to a corner and leaned his back foot to the right to turn himself. he didn't realize when cooper let go of his hand and travis began to move by himself.


cooper smiled at the other boy learning to skate. he was proud. cooper didn't think travis realized that cooper had let go of his hand. he pretended it was a friendly thing, but he had blushed a bit when travis gripped his hand back, needing to feel sturdy and safe.

he watched travis go around the park on the ground level and end up back next to cooper. he smiled at the blonde boy and got off the board, picking it up.

"coopie that was so fun!" he exclaimed happily.

"i'm glad you like it trav. also, did you call me coopie?" travis blushed.

"im so sorry, cooper! it's ju-"

"no, travis, it's fine, i swear," cooper cut travis off. "i like the name. but i won't let anyone else call me that," he grinned at travis.

he's really adorable.

we done another chapter boys! lemme know what you think. remember to vote if you like it please:) love you all. mwah.
900+ words

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