chapter two

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"mr check, can i go to the bathroom please?" cooper asked, exactly 7 minutes after travis left the room.

"yes, cooper. make it quick please, and tell travis to come back too."

cooper looked at mason and mason glanced back at cooper. "if that was my fault, please tell the kid i'm sorry and i didn't mean it."

"you better be, aglen," cooper frowned mason. he got out of his chair and made his way to the door, worried about the smaller boy. he wondered if travis even made it to the bathroom or not, he was new anyway. cooper wandered towards the closest bathroom and opened the door. he saw feet from underneath a stall door. "travis?" he called worriedly. he got no answer. "trav, are you alright?"

why'd i call him trav?

"im fine," sniffles can be heard from the other side of that stall door. he sounded sad, tired, and mad all at the same time. cooper wanted to fix it.

"mason said if it was his fault, that he's sorry and he really didn't mean it," cooper frowned. the way he said it sounded like he made it up to help travis feel better.

"it's okay, cooper. im fine," he opened the stall door and took a step out, looking at himself in the mirror. his hood was pulled over his face and the strings were tightened. one hand was in his hoodie pocket and the other was covering his mouth and nose with a sweater paw.

he looks so cute.

no cooper, you mean that in a childish way. he looks like a little kid who just scraped his knee and doesn't wanna be called a baby by his friends.

cooper jumped up on the counter and sat there silently for a minute, before travis removed his sweater paw from where it was by his mouth. "are you sure you're alright? mr check wants us back in class asap."

"im fine," he let out a breath he seemed to be holding in forever. "let's go, isn't the bell supposed to ring soon?"

"yeah," cooper replied, jumping off of the dirty counter. he brushed off his ass to make sure no water had gotten on it and walked out first, travis trailing close behind him.


the curly-haired boy trailed close behind cooper as they made their way back to math class. he began to worry about his next class, hoping he had it with cooper or noah or even mason. he wanted to be with someone he knew, even if he didn't know them well. "hey cooper?" he questioned softly.

"what's up trav?"

"what class do you have next?"

"i got," he stopped abruptly to think and travis had to stop as well to avoid walking into him. "i got ceramics, what about you?"

travis sighed, "spanish."

cooper began to walk again, but slower this time, "that sucks. what period do you have lunch?"


cooper let out a breath of relief, "good, me too," he smiled from in front of travis.

once they reached the math room, they walked in and the teacher was sitting at his desk looking at the two boys. "what took you both so long?" travis motioned for cooper to go sit down and then he walked over to the teachers desk.

"i'm sorry sir. i was having a little mental breakdown and cooper was making sure i was okay," he whispered to the teacher in front of him.

"okay, next time tell me, and ill send cooper out for you a bit after you've left," mr check smiled at the new boy in front of him.

"thank you sir," mr check nodded and travis walked back to his seat next to cooper and mason.

mason looked at travis apologetically, "hey mate, i'm real sorry if that was my fault. i didn't mean it," he spoke with a thick australian accent. it was something travis hadn't noticed before. he kind of liked it, accents have always been one of travis' favorite things about people.

"it's okay mason," he spoke softly and smiled at the other boy. travis then turned to face the front where mr check was teaching calculus AB. travis took out his notebook and wrote down all the examples and notes that were being projected. he lost track of where the teacher was and began to doodle in the notebook. he drew a small boy with wavy hair, but made it not look exactly like cooper- who it was supposed to be. soon, the bell rang and cooper and travis said bye to one another, and travis went on his way, attempting to find his next class before it started.

travis eventually found his spanish class and walked in. he walked over the teacher and asked quietly where to sit. she told him and he sat down in his seat, tightening his hoodie strings. a tall kid walked in and sat in the chair next to him, looking at travis. "you new here, kid?" he questioned with a pretty new zealand accent. travis looked at the tall boy and nodded. "then you may wanna keep your mouth shut unless you wanna start a problem," the boy with the baseball hat smirked. "oh by the way, im cameron."

travis nodded and whispered, "travis."

the rest of the class went by pretty quickly. travis already knew spanish, so he wasn't listening to what the teacher was saying most of the time. he only listened when an assignment was handed out, so he could do it. after he was done, cameron took his paper and copied it, and travis looked at him like "dude what the fuck."

cameron smiled innocently and handed travis his paper back, "sorry travis, i needed to check my answers."

travis huffed and snatched his paper back, determined to not look like he was cheating on his first day. the rest of the class was boring, and travis left immediately after the bell rang, hoping to find he had his next class with either noah, cooper, or even mason.

he didnt.

though he didn't have it with anyone he already knew, he had band with a boy named jason. jason schlatt. he played the trombone and wore a new york hat and some off brand timbs. he looked at travis weird when he said he played the trumpet. he said it didn't suit him. he found out he had fifth and lunch with jason too. also, jason preferred to be called schlatt, so travis did just that. after band, the new boy and schlatt headed to study hall, and schlatt introduced travis to a smaller boy named nico.

nico was cute, but in a childish way. he had almost the same hair as travis, just the curls were looser. he had a kind of high pitched voice, but he was still really cool. after study hall, the boys all headed to lunch, as they all had it together.

"travis, this is cooper. cooper, this is travis. he's new," schlatt introduced the two not knowing that they had already met. the curly-haired boy and the wavy-haired boy started laughing and schlatt gave cooper the side eye.

"hey coop!" travis exclaimed excitedly. "thanks schlatt, but we met already. we have first and second together."

"oh alright. sorry," schlatt shifted awkwardly. travis looked over at cooper only to realize he was staring at the smaller boy. did travis say something wrong?

wait did i just call him coop?

ahhhh, second chapter done. lemme know what y'all think:) thanks for reading, loves<3 lacrosse season starts soon so ill try to keep my "schedule" the same. byeee!
1200+ words

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