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Kylie's POV

"Agreed. And I don't like it." Avery says.

"Did you find anything about Kendall?" I pry, suddenly remembering my older sister's predicament. She fidgets around uncomfortably.

"Yeah, she's alive, no major injuries, just a couple cuts and scratches. The doctors believe she was simply knocked out by the sheer violence of the accident. However, I can't say she's in the best mood at the moment since she just saw Y/N with Ashley, but I think saying 'mad' would be the understatement of the year."

"Crap. What do I do? Any suggestions?" I ask, flustered. We both turn our attention towards the door as there came a loud knock. Avery quickly sprints over and yanks the door open to reveal my older sister looking disheveled with reddened eyes.

"Ken! Oh my god, are you alright?" I ask worried as she embraces me in a tight hug. I continued to hold her close to me as she sobbed in to my chest.

"Thank you Ky. I've had an extremely long last couple of days and I kept just getting hit with emotion after emotion starting from mom until Y/N just now. I'm sure Avery has told you all about it."

"Yes she has. And I want you to know that Avery and I are just as confused about Y/N as you are. Believe me, we're looking in to it right now, and the best thing for you is to get some rest and not stress about it."

"I'll try Ky. But no guarantees." Kendall says. I nod and plops herself down on one of the chairs in the room and almost immediately falls asleep.

"She's really stressing herself out

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"She's really stressing herself out. It hurts seeing her like this, Avery." I say admiring my sister's features.

"I know. It'll all be over soon. I'm just going to try and get a hold of Y/N again. Be right back." I nod and she solemnly leaves the room.

Avery's POV

I make my way to a quiet area in the building and take out my phone.


"Y/N, it's me. I know something is up and don't try to convince me otherwise. I've been you're friend for years and I know you well enough by now. What the hell is going with you?"

"I can't talk right now. I have to go."

"Oh no you don't. You're going to stay on the line and talk to me. Let me help you." I beg.

"I don't want you hurt Avery. Go back and keep Kylie and Kendall safe. I can take care of myself."

"Please, you have no idea what Kendall is looking like right now without you by her side." I insist. Suddenly, her breathing speeds up.

"You remember that one party we had where the host was so old?" That's the last thing she said before the line went dead. Those words echoed in my head as I made my way back to the girls.

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