Chapter 10

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"Luis, stop. I have to get to class. English starts at 8:00."

"Just one more-"

"No, now."

I struggled playfully to get him off me as he kept tickling my neck with his lips. I was pressed against my locker and was in giggles from his kisses. He loosened his grip on me so that I could wiggle away from him better.

"Didn't I tell your kinky ass I wasn't trying to get no hickies?", I asked finally piping down from my laughter.

"I know to be careful with hickies. Plus, I don't suck that hard, remember?"

"Whatever." I then looked back at the piece of paper, which was my homework, in my hands, "now are you sure this is correct?"

"Positive. He shouldn't count us wrong this time", he reassured me, "if he does, then just ask him what you're doing wrong."

"Fine. I have to go though."

"Alright", he said kissing my hand, "good luck. Love you."

"Love you, too."

We went our separate paths to class. I then looked to see that the clock said 7:58, so I speed walked faster. My English class was at a hall that people went down after the end of this one. Just before the bell rang, I got into my seat.

"Just in time", I sighed in relief, "them neck kisses gotta stop, speedster."

In math, my homework was surprisingly all correct this time. I mentally thanked god that it was. I still felt that I was getting good at understanding the lesson. My teacher's explanations on the board no longer became like another language to me. So in math, I was straight for now.

During lunch however, those same girls kept looking and pointing at me while whispering to each other. I knew they were talking about me and definitely not in a good way, but as he told me, I had to ignore them even though down inside, I wanted to march over there and give them something to whisper about. This was getting ridiculous.

Connie noticed my facial expression. She looked over at the group of girls then back at me.

"What's the matter? Are they talking about you or something?"

"Yes, they're those type of girls who like Luis, but then know I'm his girlfriend. Same old haters. It's been going on so long though. I'm starting to get tired of them."

Connie gave me a sympathetic look and nodded, "just pay them no attention. They're not worth anything."

"That's what Luis says also", I replied, "but they should be aware that my tolerance level is nowhere near strong. If they keep doing this to me, I will teach them a lesson or so."

"How so? Are they really worth your time? They're never gonna get him, so don't even try to bother them back. They're really doing this to torment you."

"I don't know. Perhaps I should talk about them in return. Maybe then, they'll see how it feels."

Connie shook her head while chewing her pizza. After she swallowed, she spoke again, "No, Kallie. Don't. They're not worth it. Trust me. Plus, doing something like that can get you in trouble, and I know how your anger problem can get, but don't do it. They say what goes around comes around, but sometimes that doesn't work."

"What do you mean that doesn't work?"

"Talking about them back is only going to make them even more mad at you, and the fact that you have someone they want will make the situation worse. I don't want a fight or something to break out between y'all. You know what I mean?"

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