Chapter 11

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Nothing much happened the next few days. Things went normal for Luis and I. In music class, we went over my solo which wasn't a hard thing to do at all. I had pretty much scanned over it during rehearsal and the key that I needed to go to was very simple.

Ms. Ferra gave me a big smile, "Well Kallie, I think you are going to do great on this solo. You are a fantastic singer."

My cheeks burned somewhat, "Thank you, ma'am. I have somewhat of a fear of performing in front of crowds, but I think I'll be alright."

"Don't be afraid", she said encouragingly, "we all have our certain fears, but we then learn to overcome them. Besides, if you get too nervous, just pull the old 'imagine them all with no clothes on trick', right?", and she let out a small laugh. I laugh with her.

"Yeah, that could help", I said weakly.

"We'll go over your solo tomorrow again in rehearsal so we'll see how it sounds when we all sing together, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Great. Have a good day."

"You too, Ms. Ferra."

I walk out of the school doors getting more and more excited about my solo part. The fact that I would be impressing Luis in the audience boosted my confidence level.

Speaking of whom, he met me at my car like usual before heading off to practice. That's when I noticed his face. He didn't look too happy.

"What's the matter?"

"Got detention tomorrow after school, so I might miss practice."

"Damn, really?"

"Yep. I guess I talked too much and laughed too loud."

"Your coach is not gonna be happy with that I'm assuming", I said frowning.

"No, he's not. But I'll be back on Thursday."

"Good. Sheesh, I can already picture him getting stern with you now"

"I keep forgetting the strict staff we have here. Like I said, I can't help my goofy, misbehaving personality."

"That's one thing you may have to work on", I told him, "I know you being cheeky can get out of hand, and it can bring you to situations like this. It's especially not good considering you're on a hockey team."

"I just like having fun, that's all", he shrugged, "but I am not ready to see coach's reaction once I tell him."

"He might not get too mad. He'll probably understand."

"Yeah. Well, I better go. See you this afternoon."

"Alright, good luck."

He heads to the arena leaving me standing there with tiny apprehension.


Later at my house, after we've done our homework, we chill in my bedroom. His back rests on my stretched out legs as I sit up against my pillows and headboards. We were both playing on our phones creating silence in the bedroom.

"So, does anyone else have detention with you?"

"Yeah, my friend does, too. She was mad at both of us."

"What exactly did y'all do? It can't just be talking and laughing?"

"Well, not only that, but we kept making funny sound effect noises and making comical voice impressions, you know, the usual harmless stuff. But at times, we forgot that she was up front and she had to keep waiting on us to quiet down so that she could get back to explaining. But the more we did it, the more she got pissed off and she assigned it to us then."

"God, Luis. Work on stopping your immaturity", I lightly scolded him, but at the same time, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"It was all harmless stuff, really. Jared was hilarious though. His noises kept me in stitches. But it's only detention after all. It won't happen again.....for at least a little while."

I rolled my eyes. "You are so bad. She's gonna end up murking you one day...."

"Eh, that's not likely. Besides, I'm too good looking to be killed off. People take one look at my dazzling self if they were ever getting ready to end me, and they would instantly change their mind." He looked up at me and winked.

"The same can't be said for me", I said with a funny serious look.

His mouth dropped in mock surprise, "Wha-? So you're saying you would kill my beautiful face if I ever did something bad to you?"

"I would THINK about murdering you that way, but then I get the idea to murder you another way", I tittered putting my phone down.

"And what way is that?", he asked while stifling a little laugh.

I then crawl over to him and sit on his stomach, "with stabs and stabs......of kisses and hugs", I said cutely, and I then bend forwards and kiss his face all over him as if he were a small kid. I earned giggles from him as I did.

"If that's true, then how come you don't let me murder you with kisses?", he dragged out the last word and gave a doggy eyes pouted face look.

"Cuz you always try to give me hickies, dumbass", I said with a laugh, "I know you don't 'suck too hard' or whatnot, but your girl is trying to keep her neck clean."

"It gets cleaner when my lips and tongue be polishing it", he smirked at me.

"The only thing you need to 'polish on' is your ass being stupid and shit in class. You better not get in trouble no more or our principal gon be tearing your ass up-"

He interrupted me by putting a finger on my lips shushing me while smirking.

"Do not worry about what happens to me. I don't want my trouble to be added to your stress. I've handled stuff like this before. It's nothing new. I'll be fine. All you worry about is your grades and schoolwork. Is math starting to become easier to you?

"Mm-hmm. Thanks to you, our notes in class are easier for me to follow now. I'd rather you be my helper anyway. His tall ass don't know what he be talking about in there. This fool be explaining like 5 minutes into ONE decimal problem and in my head, I be like 'da hell are you even on? You've been talking about the same problem for 5 damn minutes. Ain't nobody gon understand this shit.'"

Luis snickered and rubbed my hip, "but anyway, I'll be okay. I don't get in trouble THAT bad."

"Yeah, and I also once told someone that I don't eat doughnuts a lot. But guess what? Turns out I do. So for you, it might be the same."

"Baaaabe, I'll be fine", he purred. He sat up and turned us over, pushing me down on my back so that now he was on top of me. I squeaked at the sudden action.

"No more detention?", I asked with a worried smirk.

"Nope. I promise." He then bent his head down to kiss me passionately. Our kiss deepened until our tongues touched.

We still vowed to keep true to our promises of handling our issues, but it wouldn't be easy.

Inside though, I had doubts about Luis' promise.

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